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Giddy Up! (We Don't Want to Miss the Twain!)

( 36 Stimmen)
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Rick Dominguez (USA) & Jonno Liberman (USA) - January 2023
Giddy Up! - Shania Twain
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Intro: 8 Counts
Pattern: 48 - 24 Restart - 48 - 24 - Tag - 36 Restart - 24 - Tag

[1-8] Cross, Step, Heel, Step, Toe, Step, Heel-Hitch, Coaster Step, Hold, Ball Step (12:00)
Body should angle slightly toward left corner (10:30)
1&2&Cross L over R, Step R to right, Touch L heel forward, Replace L
3&4Touch R next to L, Replace R, Scuff L, Hitch L (Styling Option: Slap L thigh with both hands on 4)
5&6Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward
7&8Hold, Step R next to L, Step L forward

[9-16] Cross, Step, Heel, Step, Toe, Step, Heel-Hitch, Coaster Step, Hold, Ball Step (12:00)
Body should angle slightly toward right corner (1:30)
1&2&Cross R over L, Step L to left, Touch R heel forward, Replace R
3&4Touch L next to L, Replace L, Scuff R, Hitch R (Styling Option: Slap R thigh with both hands on 4)
5&6Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R forward
7&8Hold, Step L next to R, Step R forward

[17-24] Cross, Back, Side Triple, Cross, Back, Side Triple (12:00)
Squaring back up to 12:00. Styling Option: Replace triples with slides on the 3rd repetition.
1, 2Cross L over R, Step R back
3&4Step L to left, Step R next to L, Step L to left (emphasize the steps on &4)
5, 6Cross R over L, Step L back
7&8Step R to right, Step L next to R, Step R to right (emphasize the steps on &8)
*Restart here during the second repetition*
*First tag happens here during the fourth repetition*
*Second tag happens here during the sixth repetition*

[25-32] Heel Switches, Mambo Step, Hitch/Skip Back, Coaster Step (12:00)
1&2&Touch L heel forward, Replace L, Touch R heel forward, Replace R
3&4Rock L forward, Recover back onto R, Step L back
&5&6Hitch R, Step R back, Hitch L, Step L back (Styling Option: Replace hitches and skip back)
7&8Step R back, Step L together, Step R forward

[33-40] Dorothy Step x2, 1/2 Pivot, Out Out, Hip Bumps (6:00)
1, 2&Step L to left diagonal, Cross R behind L, Step L to left
3, 4&Step R to right diagonal, Cross L behind R, Step R to right
*Second restart happens here during the fifth repetition*
5, 6Step L forward, Turn 1/2 right as you step R forward (6:00)
&7&8Step L to left, Step R to right, Bump hips left, Bump hips right

[41†-48] Dorothy Step x2, Rock Recover, Out Out, Elbows Up & Down (6:00)
1, 2&Step L to left diagonal, Cross R behind L, Step L to left
3, 4&Step R to right diagonal, Cross L behind R, Step R to right
5, 6Step L forward, Recover back onto R
&7&8Step L to left, Step R to right, Bring both fists to chest (like you’re fist bumping yourself) with elbows out ,
Raise R elbow as you lower L (arms at 45°), Raise L elbow as you lower R (arms at 45°).

Tags: The tags will occur facing the 12:00 after 24 counts of the 4th and 6th repetitions.
[1-8] Diamond Shuffles
*Moving forward toward 1:30 - Running to first base*
1&2Turn 1/4 right as you step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward
3&4Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
*Moving backward toward 10:30 - Running to second base*
5&6Turn 1/4 right as you step L back, Step R next to L, Step L back
7&8Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R back

[9-16] Diamond Shuffles
*Moving forward toward 7:30 - Running to third base*
1&2Turn 1/4 right as you step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward
3&4Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
*Moving backward toward 4:30 - Running to home plate*
5&6Turn 1/4 right as you step L back, Step R next to L, Step L back
7&8Hold, Step R next to L, Step L forward

[1-8] Reverse Diamond Shuffles
*Moving forward toward 10:30 - Running to third base*
1&2Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
3&4Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward
*Moving backward toward 1:30 - Running to second base*
5&6Turn 1/4 left as you step R back, Step L next to R, Step R back
7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L back

[9-16] Reverse Diamond Shuffles
*Moving forward toward 4:30 - Running to first base*
1&2Turn 1/4 left as you step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
3&4Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward
*Moving backward toward 7:30 - Running to home plate*
5&6Turn 1/4 left as you step R back, Step L next to R, Step R back
7&8Hold, Step L next to R, Step R forward

Dance Your Yaaas Off

Last Update: 6 Oct 2023

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