Sec 1: Charleston step, shuffle forward, rock recover.
1-2-3-4Touch right forward, step right behind, touch left back, step forward left.
5&6Step forward right, left together, forward right.
7-8Rock forward left, recover to right. (12.00)
Sec 2: Shuffle back, rock back recover, step ½ turn, shuffle forward.
1&2Step back left, right together, back left.
3-4Rock back right, recover to left.
5-6Step forward right, pivot ½ left. (6.00)
7&8Step forward right, left together, forward right.
Sec 3: Cross rock, chasse left, cross rock, chasse right.
1-2Cross rock left over right, recover to right.
3&4Step left to left, right together, left to left.
5-6Cross rock right over left, recover to left.
7&8Step right to right, left together, right to right. (6.00)
Sec 4: Jazz box ¼ turn point.
1-2Cross left over right, turn ¼ left, step back on right. (3.00)
3-4Step left to left, point right to right.
Tag: End of wall 5 and 6. Back rock, recover, side rock recover.
1-2Rock right behind, recover to left.
3-4Rock right to right, recover to left.
Ending: On wall 9 facing 12.00 dance first 16 counts then jazz box ½ turn right to the front pointing right to right to finish
1-2-3-4Touch right forward, step right behind, touch left back, step forward left.
5&6Step forward right, left together, forward right.
7-8Rock forward left, recover to right. (12.00)
Sec 2: Shuffle back, rock back recover, step ½ turn, shuffle forward.
1&2Step back left, right together, back left.
3-4Rock back right, recover to left.
5-6Step forward right, pivot ½ left. (6.00)
7&8Step forward right, left together, forward right.
Sec 3: Cross rock, chasse left, cross rock, chasse right.
1-2Cross rock left over right, recover to right.
3&4Step left to left, right together, left to left.
5-6Cross rock right over left, recover to left.
7&8Step right to right, left together, right to right. (6.00)
Sec 4: Jazz box ¼ turn point.
1-2Cross left over right, turn ¼ left, step back on right. (3.00)
3-4Step left to left, point right to right.
Tag: End of wall 5 and 6. Back rock, recover, side rock recover.
1-2Rock right behind, recover to left.
3-4Rock right to right, recover to left.
Ending: On wall 9 facing 12.00 dance first 16 counts then jazz box ½ turn right to the front pointing right to right to finish