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Made You Look

( 4 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Lucas Mahnke (DE) - December 2022
Made You Look - Meghan Trainor
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The dance starts after 14 seconds on 'I make ...' with the beginning of the first verse
Sequence: A, B CC; A*, B CC

Part A: 64c
A1: Rock forward, shuffle back turning ½ r, ½ turn r/back 2, coaster step
1-2Step forward with right - weight back on left foot
3&4¼ turn right around and step right to right - step left foot to right, ¼ turn right around and step right forward (6 o'clock)
5-6½Turn right around and step 2 steps backward (l - r).
7&8Step left back, step right together with left and step left forward

A2: Cross, point r + l, jazz box turning ¼ r with cross
1-2Cross right foot over left - point left toe to left
3-4Cross left foot over right, point right toe to right
5-6Cross right foot over left - ¼ turn right around and step backward with left (3 o'clock)
7-8Step right to right side, cross left over right

A3: Chassé r, behind, ¼ turn r, step, pivot ¾ r, chassé l
1&2Step right to right, step left to right and step right to right
3-4Cross left foot behind right - ¼ turn right around and step forward right (6 o'clock)
5-6Step forward with left - ¾ turn right around on both balls, weight at the end right (3 o'clock)
7&8Step left to left, step right to left and step left to left

A4: Behind, ¼ turn l, toe strut forward r + l + r
1-2Cross right foot behind left, ¼ turn left and step left forward (12 o'clock)
3-4Step forward with right toe - drop right heel to the floor
5-6Step forward with left toe - drop left heel to the floor
7-8Step forward with right toe - drop right heel to the floor
(Restart for A*: Break after '5-6', on '7&8': 'Step right to right - Bring left foot up to right and cross right foot over left' and continue dancing with part B - 3 o'clock)

A5: Rock forward, shuffle back, rock back, ½ turn l, ½ turn l
1-2Step forward with left - weight back on right foot
3&4Step left back, step right foot to left and step left back
5-6Step backward right - weight back on left foot
7-8½ Turn left around and step right back - ½ Turn left around and step left forward

A6: shuffle forward, step, pivot ¼ r, shuffle across, side, ¼ turn l
1&2Step forward right, step left together with right and step forward right
3-4Step forward left - ¼ turn right around on both balls, weight at end right (3 o'clock)
5&6Cross left foot over right - Small step to right with right and cross left foot over right
7-8Step to right with right - ¼ turn left around and step to left with left (12 o'clock)

A7: Shuffle across, side, touch, back, touch r + l
1&2Cross right foot over left - Small step to left with left and cross right foot over left
3-4Step left to left side, touch right next to left
5-6Step diagonally back right, touch left next to right
7-8Step diagonally back left, touch right next to left

A8: Back, touch, ¼ turn l, touch, side, close, cross, hold
1-2Step diagonally back right , touch left next to right
3-4¼ turn left around and step forward left, touch right next to left (9 o'clock)
5-6Step right to right side, touch left foot to right foot
7-8Cross right foot over left - Hold

Part B (starts 1st time towards 9 o'clock). (32c)
B1: ⅛ turn l/toe strut forward l + r, ⅛ turn r, close, cross, hold
1-2⅛ turn left around, step forward with left toe - drop left heel to the floor
[right arm swings forward/left arm swings back] (7:30)
3-4Step forward with right toe - drop right heel to the floor
[left arm swings forward/right arm swings back]
5-6⅛ Turn right around and step left with left - Bring right foot up to left (9 o'clock)
7-8Cross left foot over right - Hold

B2: ⅛ turn r/toe strut forward r + l, ⅛ turn l, close, cross, hold
1-2⅛ turn right around, step forward with right toe - drop right heel to the floor
[left arm swings forward/right back] (10:30)
3-4Step forward with left toe - drop left heel to the floor
[right arm swings forward/left arm swings back]
5-6⅛ Turn left around and step right with right - Bring left foot up to right (9 o'clock)
7-8Cross right foot over left - hold

B3: Step, hold l + l, rock forward, back, hold
1-2Step forward left - hold
3-4Step forward right, hold
5-6Step forward left, weight back on right foot
7-8Step backward with left foot - hold

B4: Back, hold r + l, back, close, step, touch
1-2Step right back, hold
3-4Step left back - hold
5-6Step right foot backward, step left foot next to right foot
7-8Step right foot forward, touch left foot next to right foot

Part C (starts 1st time towards 9 o'clock). (32c)
C1: ⅛ turn r, step, close, step, touch, ¼ turn l, step, close, step, touch (chassè diagonally l+r)
1-2⅛ turn right around and step left to left - step right foot to left (10:30)
3-4Step left to left, touch right foot next to left foot
5-6¼ turn left and step right to right, touch left foot to right (7:30)
7-8Step right to right, touch left foot next to right foot

C2: Back, close, back, touch, ¼ turn r, back, close, back, touch (chassé diagonally back l+r)
1-2Step left to left , step right foot to left
3-4Step left to left, touch right foot next to left foot
5-6¼ turn right and step right to right, step left foot to right (10:30)
7-8Step right to right, touch left foot next to right foot

C3: ⅛ turn l, behind, ¼ turn l, hold, step, pivot ½ l, step, hold
1-2⅛ turn left around and step left to left - cross right foot behind left (9 o'clock)
3-4¼ turn left around and step left forward - hold (6 o'clock)
5-6Step forward with right - ½ turn left around on both balls, weight at the end left (12 o'clock)
7-8Step forward with right - hold

C4: Step, hip bump, hip bumps, toe strut forward, toe strut close
1-2Step forward with left - swing hips forward
3&4Swing hips back, forward and back again (weight stays left)
5-6Step forward with right toe - drop right heel to the floor
7-8Step forward with left toe - drop left heel to the floor

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