Absolute Beginner
Heel,Heel,Toe,Toe, Point side, Hook, Point side, Flick
1-2Right Heel forward, Right Heel forward
3-4Right toe behind, right toe behind
5-6Point Right toe to right side, Hook right leg in front
7-8Point right toe to side, flick right leg behind
Vine to the right touch, Vine to the left touch
1-4RF to right side, LF behind RF, RF to right side, LF together
5-8LF to left side, RF behind LF, LF to left side, RF together
(Option replace left vine with rolling vine)
Heel,Heel,Toe,Toe, Point side, Hook, Point side, Flick
1-2Left heel forward, Left heel forward
3-4Left toe behind, left toe behind
5-6point left toe to side, hook left leg in front
7-8point left toe to side, flick left leg behind
Vine to the left touch, Vine to the right touch
1-4LF to left side, RF behind LF, LF to left side, RF together
5- 8RF to right side, LF behind RF, RF to right side, LF together
(Option replace right vine with rolling vine)
Option: Last Vine will be Vine to the right with ¼ turn to make it a 4 wall dance
1-2Right Heel forward, Right Heel forward
3-4Right toe behind, right toe behind
5-6Point Right toe to right side, Hook right leg in front
7-8Point right toe to side, flick right leg behind
Vine to the right touch, Vine to the left touch
1-4RF to right side, LF behind RF, RF to right side, LF together
5-8LF to left side, RF behind LF, LF to left side, RF together
(Option replace left vine with rolling vine)
Heel,Heel,Toe,Toe, Point side, Hook, Point side, Flick
1-2Left heel forward, Left heel forward
3-4Left toe behind, left toe behind
5-6point left toe to side, hook left leg in front
7-8point left toe to side, flick left leg behind
Vine to the left touch, Vine to the right touch
1-4LF to left side, RF behind LF, LF to left side, RF together
5- 8RF to right side, LF behind RF, RF to right side, LF together
(Option replace right vine with rolling vine)
Option: Last Vine will be Vine to the right with ¼ turn to make it a 4 wall dance