(1-8) Stomps and claps
l-8 Stomp right foot then clap 4 times for a total of 8 counts
(9-16) Vine to the right then vine to the left
1-4Step right to right side step left behind right, step to the right and touch left next to right
5-8Step left to the left side, step right behind the left, step left to the left side and touch right next to left
(17 -24) Forward diagonal steps
1-4Step right forward diagonal, scuff left next to right step left forward diagonal, scuff right next to left
5-8Step right forward diagonal, scuff left next to right step left forward diagonal, scuff right next to left
(25-32 ) Rock forward, recover, 1/2 turn right, shuffle forward, rock forward, recover, coaster step
1 & 2,3 & 4Rock forward on right, recover on left, step right next to left,1/2 turn right, shuffle forward left right left
5 & 6,7 & 8Rock forward on the right, recover left step right next to left, coaster step left, right, left
l-8 Stomp right foot then clap 4 times for a total of 8 counts
(9-16) Vine to the right then vine to the left
1-4Step right to right side step left behind right, step to the right and touch left next to right
5-8Step left to the left side, step right behind the left, step left to the left side and touch right next to left
(17 -24) Forward diagonal steps
1-4Step right forward diagonal, scuff left next to right step left forward diagonal, scuff right next to left
5-8Step right forward diagonal, scuff left next to right step left forward diagonal, scuff right next to left
(25-32 ) Rock forward, recover, 1/2 turn right, shuffle forward, rock forward, recover, coaster step
1 & 2,3 & 4Rock forward on right, recover on left, step right next to left,1/2 turn right, shuffle forward left right left
5 & 6,7 & 8Rock forward on the right, recover left step right next to left, coaster step left, right, left