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Gucci Cowboy

( 12 Stimmen)
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High Improver
Mathew Sinyard (UK) - October 2022
Gucci Cowboy - Henry Birkett
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Restart wall 2, Tag Restart Wall 6

Section 1: Side Touch, Kick Ball Cross, Side Behind, Kick Ball Cross.
1 2Step right to side, touch left beside right.
3 & 4Kick left to left diagonal, step left beside right, cross right in front of left.
5 6Step left to side, cross right behind left.
7 & 8Kick left to left diagonal, step left beside right, cross right in front of left.

Section 2: Side Rock Recover ¼, Step Scuff, Rocking Chair.
1 2Rock left to left side, recover on to right making a ¼ turn right.
3 4Step forward on left, scuff right beside left.
5 6Rock forward on right, recover on to left.
7 8Rock back on right, recover on to left.
(*Alt replace the rocking chair with 2x pivot ½ turns left)

Section 3: Cross Side, Sailor Step, Cross ¼, Back Point.
1 2Cross right in front of left, step left to side.
3 & 4Cross right behind left, step left to side, step right to side.
5 6Cross left in front of right, ¼ turn left stepping back on right.
7 8Step back on left, point right to side.

Section 4: Cross Point, Cross Point, Jazz Box Cross.
1 2Cross right in front of left, point left to side.
3 4Cross left in front of right, point right to side.
5 6Cross right in front of left, step back on left.
7 8Step right to side, cross left in front of right.
Restarts here on wall 2
Tag & Restart here on wall 6

Section 5: Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock, Cross Shuffle.
1 2Rock right to side, recover on to left.
3 & 4Cross right in front of left, step left to side, cross right in front of left.
5 6Rock left to side, recover on to right.
7 & 8Cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left in front of right.

Section 6: ¼ Side Cross Sweep, Cross Side Behind Sweep.
1 2¼ turn left stepping back on right, step left to side.
3 4Cross right in front of left, sweep left forward.
5 6Cross left in front of right, step right to side.
7 8cross left behind right, sweep right backwards.

Section 7: Behind ¼, Step Tap, Back Tap, Step Sweep.
1 2Cross right behind left, ¼ turn left stepping forward on left.
3 4Step forward on right, tap left behind right.
5 6Step back on left, tap right in front of left.
7 8Step forward on right, sweep left forward.

Section 8: Jazz Box Touch, Rolling Vine Cross.
1 2Cross left in front of right, step back on right.
3 4Step left to side, touch right beside left.
5 6¼ turn right stepping forward right, ½ turn right stepping back left.
7 8¼ turn right stepping right to side, cross left in front of right.
(Alt* replace rolling vine with a weave to the right)

Restart after 32 counts on wall 2.

Tag: danced after 32 counts on wall 6 followed by restart.
Tag - Side Rock Cross, ¼ ¼ Cross.
1 2 3Rock right to side, recover on to left, cross right in front of left.
4 5 6¼ turn right stepping back on left, ¼ right stepping right to side, cross left in front of right.

Note: - When dancing the tag the rhythm changes but don’t let it put you off, the beat will come back in again on the second kick ball cross of the new wall.

Have Fun & Enjoy x. 😊

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