INTRO: 32 on Vocals
Heel Right, Replace, Heel Left, Replace, Right Heel Hook Replace, Together Right
1&2&Step R heel diag R, replace (&), L heel diag L, replace (&)
3&4&Right heel diag R, hook R in front of L (&), R heel diag, replace beside L (&)
Heel Left, Replace, Heel Right, Replace, Left Heel Hook Replace, Together Left
5&6&Step L heel diag L, replace (&), R heel diag R, replace (&)
7&8&Left heel diag L, hook L in front of R (&), L heel diag, replace beside R (&)
Shuffle Forward RLR, Rock Forward, Replace, Back Shuffle LRL, Rock Back, Replace
1&234Step Fwd R, L beside R (&), fwd R, rock Fwd L, replace onto R #
5&678Step back L, R beside L (&), back L, rock back R, replace onto L
Cross Rock Right, Replace, Side Shuffle RLR, Cross Rock Left, Replace, side Shuffle LRL
(Option - Roll RL, to Right Side, Side Shuffle RLR, Roll LR, to Left Side, Side Shuffle LRL)
123&4Cross R over L, replace, step side R, tog L (&), side step R
567&8Cross L over R, replace, step side L, tog (&), side step L
Point Right Forward, Point Right to Side, 1/4 Sailor Right
Point Left Forward, Point Left to Side, 1/2 Sailor Left
123&4Point R Fwd, point R to side, step R behind L, turning 1/4 R step L to side, replace onto R
567&8Point L Fwd, point L to side, step L behind R, turning 1/2 L, step R to side, replace onto L **
V Step x 2
1234Step R to R diag, step L to L diag, replace R to centre, replace L beside R *
5678Repeat above 4 counts ***
Cross Right, Replace, Side Rock Right, replace
Behind, Side Left, Cross Right, Rock Side Left, Replace (&), Together Left
1234Cross Rock R over L, replace onto left, side rock R to side, replace onto L
5&6Step R behind L, step side L (&), cross R over L
7&8Rock side L, replace onto R (&), tog L
RESTARTS: Walls 4, 5 & 6
WALL 4, * Facing 3.00. Dance to count 36, Restart facing 12.00
WALL 5, ** Facing 12.00. Dance to count 32, Restart facing 9.00
WALL 6, *** Facing 9.00. Dance to count 40, Restart facing 6.00
Facing 3.00. Dance to count 12
Step back L & R, 1/4 turn L, stepping side L, tog R, facing 12.00
Heel Right, Replace, Heel Left, Replace, Right Heel Hook Replace, Together Right
1&2&Step R heel diag R, replace (&), L heel diag L, replace (&)
3&4&Right heel diag R, hook R in front of L (&), R heel diag, replace beside L (&)
Heel Left, Replace, Heel Right, Replace, Left Heel Hook Replace, Together Left
5&6&Step L heel diag L, replace (&), R heel diag R, replace (&)
7&8&Left heel diag L, hook L in front of R (&), L heel diag, replace beside R (&)
Shuffle Forward RLR, Rock Forward, Replace, Back Shuffle LRL, Rock Back, Replace
1&234Step Fwd R, L beside R (&), fwd R, rock Fwd L, replace onto R #
5&678Step back L, R beside L (&), back L, rock back R, replace onto L
Cross Rock Right, Replace, Side Shuffle RLR, Cross Rock Left, Replace, side Shuffle LRL
(Option - Roll RL, to Right Side, Side Shuffle RLR, Roll LR, to Left Side, Side Shuffle LRL)
123&4Cross R over L, replace, step side R, tog L (&), side step R
567&8Cross L over R, replace, step side L, tog (&), side step L
Point Right Forward, Point Right to Side, 1/4 Sailor Right
Point Left Forward, Point Left to Side, 1/2 Sailor Left
123&4Point R Fwd, point R to side, step R behind L, turning 1/4 R step L to side, replace onto R
567&8Point L Fwd, point L to side, step L behind R, turning 1/2 L, step R to side, replace onto L **
V Step x 2
1234Step R to R diag, step L to L diag, replace R to centre, replace L beside R *
5678Repeat above 4 counts ***
Cross Right, Replace, Side Rock Right, replace
Behind, Side Left, Cross Right, Rock Side Left, Replace (&), Together Left
1234Cross Rock R over L, replace onto left, side rock R to side, replace onto L
5&6Step R behind L, step side L (&), cross R over L
7&8Rock side L, replace onto R (&), tog L
RESTARTS: Walls 4, 5 & 6
WALL 4, * Facing 3.00. Dance to count 36, Restart facing 12.00
WALL 5, ** Facing 12.00. Dance to count 32, Restart facing 9.00
WALL 6, *** Facing 9.00. Dance to count 40, Restart facing 6.00
Facing 3.00. Dance to count 12
Step back L & R, 1/4 turn L, stepping side L, tog R, facing 12.00