Phrased Improver
Note: transcription based on choreographer’s oral instructions by Cowboy Stomp and Dance Association (Varennes-Jarcy, France).
PHRASING: Is, AB, Tag, AB, is, AB, Tag, AB, is, AB, Ending.
Instrumental Sequence : 32 counts
1-2-3-4Rocking chair with left foot
5-6-7-8¼ turn right, chassé left;
Repeat thrice.
Sequence A : 32 counts
1-2-3-4Left foot forward, together , left foot side, together
5-6-7-8Again (idem)
1-2-3-4] Round the world march ( ½ turn to the left walking left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot
5-8[5-6] Side rock left, recover; [7-8] left foot touch right, light stomp with right foot
Repeat all (16 counts)
Sequence B : 16 counts
1-2-3-4March left foot on left diagonal, right foot touches rear of left foot, march left, touch.
5-6-7-8Idem in right diagonal
1-2-3-4March backward left, right, left, right
5-6-7-8Side left, touch; Side right, touch
Tag : 4 counts
1-2-3-4Side step left, sway, sway
Ending : 3 counts
1-2-3Rock left foot forward, recover, point left foot to left.
PHRASING: Is, AB, Tag, AB, is, AB, Tag, AB, is, AB, Ending.
Instrumental Sequence : 32 counts
1-2-3-4Rocking chair with left foot
5-6-7-8¼ turn right, chassé left;
Repeat thrice.
Sequence A : 32 counts
1-2-3-4Left foot forward, together , left foot side, together
5-6-7-8Again (idem)
1-2-3-4] Round the world march ( ½ turn to the left walking left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot
5-8[5-6] Side rock left, recover; [7-8] left foot touch right, light stomp with right foot
Repeat all (16 counts)
Sequence B : 16 counts
1-2-3-4March left foot on left diagonal, right foot touches rear of left foot, march left, touch.
5-6-7-8Idem in right diagonal
1-2-3-4March backward left, right, left, right
5-6-7-8Side left, touch; Side right, touch
Tag : 4 counts
1-2-3-4Side step left, sway, sway
Ending : 3 counts
1-2-3Rock left foot forward, recover, point left foot to left.