CopperKnob Stepsheets

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First Rodeo

( 2 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Elke Sonnenberg (DE) - September 2022
Dance sequence: 8 A BB16BB 8 AA BBBB, 8, AA

[8 Count]: Rocking chair, rockstep fwd, close Arms: wave fwd (up- down)
1, 2, 3, 4,RF rockstep fwad and rock back, at the end weight on LF
5, 6, 7,RF rock step fwd – weight back on LF, RF to LF close with
8Both arms a wave in front of the body: from chest height up and back again

Teil A
Kick ball change, scate scate triple step fwd, rock step
1, 2RF kick forward - on balls, lift LF step briefly - weight back on LF,
3, 4Drag the RF balls in a semicircle past the LF forward on the ground, repeat LF
5& 6RF step forward, LF step behind RF, RF step forward
7,8LF rock step forward

Sailor turn 1/4 l, toe- heel- step, side- rock- cross, back back
1&2Cross LF behind RF, 1/4 L twist and ball on RF, LF step left
3&4RF - Touch ball of foot next to LF, touch R heel, RF step forward
5&6LF step left, weight back on RF, cross LF over RF.
7, 8RF step back, LF step back

Teil B
Side rock, cross triple, turn 1/4 r, triple side, cross
1,2RF rock step right- weight back on LF
3&4,cross RF over LF, LF small, step left, cross RF over LF,
5, 6&1/4 R-turn + LF step back, RF step right, LF close to RF,
7, 8RF step side, LF cross over RF

Side rock, behind- 1/4 turn l- step, brush- hitch- cross, back, triple side
1,2RF rock step right, weight at the end LF
3&4RF cross behind LF, ¼ L turn step LF forward, brush RF across floor
&5, 6R- raise knees, cross RF over LF, step LF back
7&8RF step right, LF close to RF, RF step right

Caution Wall 3 : Replace 7&8 with 7,8: close LF to RF

Rock fwd, rock side, sailor turn 1/4 l variation, walk hitch,
1, 2, 3, 4LF step forward, LF step sideways
5&6Cross LF behind RF, ¼ L turn, RF step right, LF step forward
7, 8RF step forward, L-knee lift

Back 1/4 turn r with triple side 1/4 turn r, step 1/2 turn, walk walk walk
1 2&3LF step back, ¼ R turn + RF step side, LF close to RF, ¼ R turn + RF forward
4, 5, 6, 7, 8LF step forward, ½ R turn weight at end RF, LF step forward, RF step forward, LF step forward

After Part A: ¼ turn left with left food side
and smile 😊

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