CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Natural Country Girl

( 12 Stimmen)
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Low Improver
Kim Carpentino (USA) & Kathleen Crocker (USA) - August 2022
Natural - BRELAND
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Dance can also be done as a Contra dance
*1 Tag, No Restarts

[1 - 8] Side Toe Strut to Right, Back Rock, Side Toe Strut to Left, Back Rock
1-2Touch right toe to right side, drop heel taking weight on right foot
3-4Rock left foot back behind right and recover weight forward on right
5-6Touch left toe to left side, drop heel taking weight on left foot
7-8Rock right foot back behind left and recover weight forward on left

[9 -16] Walk Forward R L , ½ Shuffle RLR, Walk Back L R, Coaster LRL
1-2Step right forward, Step left forward
3&4Step right forward making a ¼ turn, Slide left next to right, Step back right making a ¼ turn
5-6Step back left, step back right
7&8Step back left, Step right back next to left, Step forward left

[17 - 24] Toe Strut ½ Turns, Jazz Box
1-2Step right toe forward turning ½ turn over left shoulder while dropping right heel
3-4Make a ½ turn over left shoulder stepping left toe forward while dropping left heel
5-8Cross right over left, step back on left, step side right, step left next to right

[25 - 32] Point R L, Toe and Heel and Toe, Hitch
1-2Point right toe to right side, Hold
&3-4Step right back to center, point left toe to left side, Hold
&5&6Step left back to center, touch right toe next to left, step back on right with left heel out to left diagonal
&7-8Step left back to center, touch right toe next to left foot, hitch right leg up

Tag: At the end of the 7th wall, the music stops and Breland starts talking for 8 counts
Step Out Out, Hold, Cross Behind, Unwind Full Turn
1-2Hold, Step down right, while putting hands out the side (don’t take full weight on L)
3-4Step out left (don’t take full weight on L), Cross left behind right foot
5-8Unwind a full turn over left shoulder (taking weight on L)
To End the Dance:

On the last 2 counts (7,8) instead of touching your right toe next to your left foot then hitching, cross your right foot over your left and unwind a ½ over your left shoulder so you end on the front wall.

For questions please contact Kim or Kathleen @

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