CopperKnob Stepsheets

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First Rodeo

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Phrased Beginner
Maria Kawirsky (DE) - July 2022
Intro – 40 counts
Sequence – A,A,B,B,Tag,A,A,B,B,Tag,A

Section A - 32 counts
A1: chassé ¼ turn X2, back touch ¾ turn, side rock ¼ turn
1&2right step to right side, left next to right, step right with a ¼ turn to 3 o´clock
3&4left step to the left side with a ¼ turn to 6 o´clock, right step next to left, left step to the left side
5,6touch right behind left, turn ¾ with the weight on right foot to 3o´clock
7,8side rock with left and turn ¼ to 6 o´clock

A2: grapevine, touch X2
1,2cross left over right, step right to the right side
3,4cross left behind right, step right to the tight side
5,6cross left over right , touch right to the right side
7,8cross right over left, touch left to the left side

A3: pivot ½ turn, shuffle, Shuffle back ½ turn, walk back X2
1,2step left forward with ½ turn to 12 o´clock, ending with the weight on the right foot
3&4step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward
5&6step right forward with ½ turn facing 6 o´clock, step left next to right, step back with right
7,8step back with left, step back with right

A4: coaster step, walk X2, jazz box
1&2step back with left, step right next to left, step forward with left
3,4step forward with right, step forward with left
5,6cross right over left, step back with left
7,8step to the right side with right, cross left over right

Section B - 32counts
B1: vaudeville, ½ turn, cross shuffle
1,2step right to right, cross left behind right
&3&4step right to right side, heel with left, step left next to tight, cross right over left
5,6step left to left side with ¼ turn to 3 o´clock, step right to right with ¼ turn to 6 o´clock
7&8cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right

B2: Step, coaster ¼ turn, heel switches X3, touch back, heel, brush ¼ turn
1step right to the right side
2&3step back with left and ¼ turn to 3 o´clock, step right next to left, heel left
&4&5step left next to right, heel right, step right next to left, heel left
&6&step left next to right, touch right back, step right next to left
7,8step left forward, brush right next to left and turn ¼ facing 12 o´clock

B3: dorothy step X2, paddle turn ½
1,2&step right to the right diagonal, lock left behind right, step right to the right diagonal
3,4&step left to the left diagonal, lock right behind left, step left to the left diagonal
&5&6touch right to right with 1/8 turn, touch right to right with 1/8 turn facing 9 o´clock
&7&8touch right to right with 1/8 turn, touch right to right with 1/8 turn facing 6 o´clock

B4: Samba X2, kick-ball-touch X2
1&2cross right over left, step left to the left, step right to the right
3&4cross left over right, step right to the right, step left to the left
5&6kick right forward, step right next to left, touch left to the left side
7&8kick left forward, step left next to right, touch right to the right side

TAG: chassé, cross rock, chassé. Cross rock
1&2step right to the right, step left next to right, step right to right
3,4cross left over right, recover the weight on right
5&6step left to left, step right next to left, step left to left
7,8cross right over left, recover weight on left

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