Low Intermediate
Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx 11 secs
Restart: On wall 4, with step changes
SEC 1 Back, Hold, Back, Hold, Back, Pont Side, Hold
1-2Step left back, hold
3-4Step right back, hold
5-6Step left back, point right to right
7-8Hold, hold (12:00)
SEC 2 Tango rock, Recover, Step, ½ Pivot, Cross, Side, Behind, Hook
1-2Rock right to right, recover weight onto left
3-4Step right to right, pivot ½ right turn on ball of right (6:00)
5-6Cross left over right, step right to side
7-8Turn 1/8 left step left behind right, hook right in front of left(4:30)
SEC 3 Step, Hold, ⅛ Right, Hold, Cross, Side, Behind, Point
1-2Step right forward, hold
3-4Turn ⅛ right on ball of right, hold (6:00)
5-6Cross left over right, step right to side
7-8Step left behind right, point right to right
SEC 4 Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Jazz Box
1-2Cross right over left, point left to left
3-4Cross left over right, point right to right
5-6Cross right over left, step left back
7-8Step right to right, step left together
SEC 5 Forward, Drag, Side, Drag, Rock, Recover, Step, Sweep
1-2Step right forward, drag left towards right
3-4Step left to left, drag right towards left
5-6Rock right back, recover to left
7-8Step right back, sweep left from front to back
SEC 6 Rock, Recover, Step, Sweep, Behind, 1/4 Left, Step
1-2Rock left back, recover to right
3-4Step left back, sweep right from front to back
5-6Step right behind left, turn 1/4 left step left forward (3:00)
7-8Step right forward, hold
SEC 7 1/2 Left, 1/2 Left, 5/8Left, Step, Raise Arm
1-2Turn 1/2 left step left forward, turn 1/2 left step right back
3-4Turn 5/8 left step left forward, hold (7:30)
5Step right forward
6-8Slowly raise left arm forward (7:30)
SEC 8 Step, Swivel 1/4 left, Step, Swivel 1/8 right, Forward Together, Back Together
1-2Step left forward, swivel 1/4 left on ball of left (4:30)
3-4Step right forward, swivel 1/8 right on ball of right (6:00)
5-6Step left forward, step right beside left
7-8Step left back, step right beside left
Restart : On wall 4, after 31 counts, step change on 32, then restart
32Touch right beside left
Last Update - 14 Jul 2022
Restart: On wall 4, with step changes
SEC 1 Back, Hold, Back, Hold, Back, Pont Side, Hold
1-2Step left back, hold
3-4Step right back, hold
5-6Step left back, point right to right
7-8Hold, hold (12:00)
SEC 2 Tango rock, Recover, Step, ½ Pivot, Cross, Side, Behind, Hook
1-2Rock right to right, recover weight onto left
3-4Step right to right, pivot ½ right turn on ball of right (6:00)
5-6Cross left over right, step right to side
7-8Turn 1/8 left step left behind right, hook right in front of left(4:30)
SEC 3 Step, Hold, ⅛ Right, Hold, Cross, Side, Behind, Point
1-2Step right forward, hold
3-4Turn ⅛ right on ball of right, hold (6:00)
5-6Cross left over right, step right to side
7-8Step left behind right, point right to right
SEC 4 Cross, Point, Cross, Point, Jazz Box
1-2Cross right over left, point left to left
3-4Cross left over right, point right to right
5-6Cross right over left, step left back
7-8Step right to right, step left together
SEC 5 Forward, Drag, Side, Drag, Rock, Recover, Step, Sweep
1-2Step right forward, drag left towards right
3-4Step left to left, drag right towards left
5-6Rock right back, recover to left
7-8Step right back, sweep left from front to back
SEC 6 Rock, Recover, Step, Sweep, Behind, 1/4 Left, Step
1-2Rock left back, recover to right
3-4Step left back, sweep right from front to back
5-6Step right behind left, turn 1/4 left step left forward (3:00)
7-8Step right forward, hold
SEC 7 1/2 Left, 1/2 Left, 5/8Left, Step, Raise Arm
1-2Turn 1/2 left step left forward, turn 1/2 left step right back
3-4Turn 5/8 left step left forward, hold (7:30)
5Step right forward
6-8Slowly raise left arm forward (7:30)
SEC 8 Step, Swivel 1/4 left, Step, Swivel 1/8 right, Forward Together, Back Together
1-2Step left forward, swivel 1/4 left on ball of left (4:30)
3-4Step right forward, swivel 1/8 right on ball of right (6:00)
5-6Step left forward, step right beside left
7-8Step left back, step right beside left
Restart : On wall 4, after 31 counts, step change on 32, then restart
32Touch right beside left
Last Update - 14 Jul 2022