1. Grapevine with Cross, Unwind 3/4 turn, Kick Ball Change
1, 2Right foot to Right side, Left foot behind Right
3, 4Right foot to Right side, Left foot cross over Right foot
5, 6Over 2 counts unwind with a 3/4 turn to the Right
7 & 8Kick Left foot forward, Left foot next to Right, Right foot next to Left
2. Heel, Return, Heel, Return, Heel and Heel and Mambo Step
1, 2Right heel out, Return Right foot next to Left
3, 4Left heel out, Return Left foot next to Right
5 & 6 &Right heel out, Right foot back in, Left heel out, Left foot back in
7 & 8Right foot forward, Left foot forward, Right foot back
3. Coaster Step, Side, Together, Side, Together, Big Step, Slide Together
1 & 2Left foot back, Right foot back, Left foot forward
3, 4Right foot to Right side, Left foot next to Right
5, 6Left foot to Left side, Right foot next to Left
7, 8Big step Right foot to Right side, Slide Left foot next to Right
4. Weave, Touch, Cross, Touch, Sailor Step
1, 2Left foot cross over Right foot, Right foot to Right side
3, 4Left foot behind Right, Touch Right to Right side
5, 6Right foot cross over Left, Touch Left to Left side
7 & 8Left foot behind Right, Right foot to Right side, Left foot to Left side
* Restarts
- Wall 5 after 16 counts
- Wall 10 after 16 counts
:) This song is funkay!!! Don't believe me just watch
1, 2Right foot to Right side, Left foot behind Right
3, 4Right foot to Right side, Left foot cross over Right foot
5, 6Over 2 counts unwind with a 3/4 turn to the Right
7 & 8Kick Left foot forward, Left foot next to Right, Right foot next to Left
2. Heel, Return, Heel, Return, Heel and Heel and Mambo Step
1, 2Right heel out, Return Right foot next to Left
3, 4Left heel out, Return Left foot next to Right
5 & 6 &Right heel out, Right foot back in, Left heel out, Left foot back in
7 & 8Right foot forward, Left foot forward, Right foot back
3. Coaster Step, Side, Together, Side, Together, Big Step, Slide Together
1 & 2Left foot back, Right foot back, Left foot forward
3, 4Right foot to Right side, Left foot next to Right
5, 6Left foot to Left side, Right foot next to Left
7, 8Big step Right foot to Right side, Slide Left foot next to Right
4. Weave, Touch, Cross, Touch, Sailor Step
1, 2Left foot cross over Right foot, Right foot to Right side
3, 4Left foot behind Right, Touch Right to Right side
5, 6Right foot cross over Left, Touch Left to Left side
7 & 8Left foot behind Right, Right foot to Right side, Left foot to Left side
* Restarts
- Wall 5 after 16 counts
- Wall 10 after 16 counts
:) This song is funkay!!! Don't believe me just watch