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Heel heel, out out in in, heel heel, slide [1st 8 count]
1,2With Weight on left foot use right foot for 2 heel touches
&3&4Bring right foot out to right side, step left foot out to left side, step right foot in, close left foot to right foot
5,6Being left foot out for 2 heel touches
7,8Take a step with left foot to the left, drag right foot together with left
Step forward, step to right, step forward, quarter turn. [2nd 8 count]
1,2Take a Step forward with left foot, close right foot to left with a point
3,4Take a Step right foot out to the right side, step left foot to right foot with a point
5,6Take a Step with left foot forward and close right foot to left with a point
7,8Take a step back with right foot preparing for a ¼ turn, step left foot together with right making that ¼ complete. (3:00)
Have fun and enjoy this cute beginner dance!
Heel heel, out out in in, heel heel, slide [1st 8 count]
1,2With Weight on left foot use right foot for 2 heel touches
&3&4Bring right foot out to right side, step left foot out to left side, step right foot in, close left foot to right foot
5,6Being left foot out for 2 heel touches
7,8Take a step with left foot to the left, drag right foot together with left
Step forward, step to right, step forward, quarter turn. [2nd 8 count]
1,2Take a Step forward with left foot, close right foot to left with a point
3,4Take a Step right foot out to the right side, step left foot to right foot with a point
5,6Take a Step with left foot forward and close right foot to left with a point
7,8Take a step back with right foot preparing for a ¼ turn, step left foot together with right making that ¼ complete. (3:00)
Have fun and enjoy this cute beginner dance!