*1 tag, 1 restart
Section 1 - step fwd to R diag. together, fwd shuffle to R diag. The same for the left diag.
12step R fwd to R diag., step L next to R
3&4step R fwd to R diag., step L next to R, step R to R diag.
56step L fwd to L diag., step R next to L
7&8step L fwd to L diag., step R next to L, step L fwd
Section 2 - step fwd, touch fwd, step back, touch back, jazzbox 1/4 turn R
1234step R fwd, point L fwd, step L back, point R back
56cross R over L, step L to side
78step R to side with 1/4 turn R, step L fwd
Section 3 - walk fwd RLR, kick fwd, walk back LR, coaster step
1234walk fwd RLR, kick L fwd
56walk back LR
7&8step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
Section 4 - step fwd, point to side, step fwd, point to side, jazzbox cross
1234step R fwd, point L to side, step L fwd, point R to side
5678cross R over L, step L back, step R to side, cross L over R
*** Restart
Wall 5 - 16 count - 12:00 – Restart: 3:00
*** Tag: At the end of wall 11
Tag 4 count 9:00
1234sway to RLRL
Last Update: 1 Jun 2022
Section 1 - step fwd to R diag. together, fwd shuffle to R diag. The same for the left diag.
12step R fwd to R diag., step L next to R
3&4step R fwd to R diag., step L next to R, step R to R diag.
56step L fwd to L diag., step R next to L
7&8step L fwd to L diag., step R next to L, step L fwd
Section 2 - step fwd, touch fwd, step back, touch back, jazzbox 1/4 turn R
1234step R fwd, point L fwd, step L back, point R back
56cross R over L, step L to side
78step R to side with 1/4 turn R, step L fwd
Section 3 - walk fwd RLR, kick fwd, walk back LR, coaster step
1234walk fwd RLR, kick L fwd
56walk back LR
7&8step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
Section 4 - step fwd, point to side, step fwd, point to side, jazzbox cross
1234step R fwd, point L to side, step L fwd, point R to side
5678cross R over L, step L back, step R to side, cross L over R
*** Restart
Wall 5 - 16 count - 12:00 – Restart: 3:00
*** Tag: At the end of wall 11
Tag 4 count 9:00
1234sway to RLRL
Last Update: 1 Jun 2022