Intro: 32 count (start on the singing)
[1-8] Heel touch, heel hook, heel touch, flick, vine with 1/4 turn R, L step forward
1-2R heel touch, hook R leg over L leg
3-4R heel touch, flick R right foot up
5-6R side step, step L behind R
7-81/4 turn R step forward, L step forward (facing 3 o’clock)
*Restart Here On Wall 2*
[9-16] 1/4 turn pivot, cross, hold, vine, together
9-10Rock out on R with 1/4 L turn (facing 12 o’clock), shift weight to L
11-12Cross R over L, hold
13-14Step out to L, Step R behind L
15-16Step out to L, Step R next to L
*Restart Here On Wall 6, Instead Of Stepping R Next To L, Touch R Next To L*
[17-24] Rock and recover, 1/4 turn, touch, hold step, touch, step, kick
17-18L side rock, recover onto R
19-20Touch L next to R as you make a 1/4 turn over L shoulder (facing 9 o’clock), hold
21-22Step forward on R, touch L behind R heel
23-24Step back on L, kick your R foot forward
[25-32] Coaster step, stomp, hip rolls X2
25-26Step back on RF, Step LF next to RF
27-28Step forward on RF, Stomp LF forward
29-30Rock back shifting weight onto RF, rock forward shifting weight onto LF
31-32Rock back shifting weight to RF, rock forward shifting weight onto LF
**2 restarts
Wall 2 after first 8 counts
Wall 6 after first 16 counts
Last Update: 18 Jun 2022
[1-8] Heel touch, heel hook, heel touch, flick, vine with 1/4 turn R, L step forward
1-2R heel touch, hook R leg over L leg
3-4R heel touch, flick R right foot up
5-6R side step, step L behind R
7-81/4 turn R step forward, L step forward (facing 3 o’clock)
*Restart Here On Wall 2*
[9-16] 1/4 turn pivot, cross, hold, vine, together
9-10Rock out on R with 1/4 L turn (facing 12 o’clock), shift weight to L
11-12Cross R over L, hold
13-14Step out to L, Step R behind L
15-16Step out to L, Step R next to L
*Restart Here On Wall 6, Instead Of Stepping R Next To L, Touch R Next To L*
[17-24] Rock and recover, 1/4 turn, touch, hold step, touch, step, kick
17-18L side rock, recover onto R
19-20Touch L next to R as you make a 1/4 turn over L shoulder (facing 9 o’clock), hold
21-22Step forward on R, touch L behind R heel
23-24Step back on L, kick your R foot forward
[25-32] Coaster step, stomp, hip rolls X2
25-26Step back on RF, Step LF next to RF
27-28Step forward on RF, Stomp LF forward
29-30Rock back shifting weight onto RF, rock forward shifting weight onto LF
31-32Rock back shifting weight to RF, rock forward shifting weight onto LF
**2 restarts
Wall 2 after first 8 counts
Wall 6 after first 16 counts
Last Update: 18 Jun 2022