CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Lyrical Dancer

( 5 Stimmen)
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Micah Harkins (USA) - May 2022
Hotstepper - John Gibbons
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#16 Count intro. Dance starts 10 seconds in at the ‘step’ in the first ‘hotstepper’

Side Wizard Right, Side Wizard Left, Half Turn, Whole Turn
1 2&Step right foot to the right side, step left foot behind and to the right of right foot, shift weight back to right
3 4&Step left foot to the left side, step right foot behind and to the left of left foot, shift weight back to left
5 6Step right foot forward making a half turn left towards 6:00, shift weight to left foot
7&8Step right foot forward making a half turn left to 12:00, step left back making a half turn left to 6:00, step right forward

Rock Recover, Coaster Step, Half Weave And Cross and Cross
1 2Step forward onto left foot, recover weight back to right foot
3&4Step left back, right together, left forward
5 6Step right foot out, left behind
&7Small step to the right with the right foot, step onto left foot crossing left foot in front
&8Keep left foot crossed in front small step to the right with right foot, step left foot to the right
Tag on wall 6: After the coaster step perform a monterey half turn (the final 4 counts of the dance) and then restart

Toe And Toe And Heel And Heel, Scuff 1/4 Turn, Sailor Step
1 &Tap right toe to the right side, step right foot back together
2 &Tap left toe to the left side, step left foot together
3 &Tap right heel forward, step right foot together
4 &Tap left heel forward, step left foot together
5scuff right foot while making a quarter turn left to 3:00
6step right foot down
7&8Step left foot behind and to the right, step weight onto right foot, step left foot back together (on the left side)

Stomp Stomp, Bump Bump, Monterey Half Turn
1 2Stomp in place with right foot, stomp in place with left foot
3 4Bump hips right, bump hips left
5 6Touch right foot to right side, make a half turn right to 9:00 and step right beside left
7 8Touch left foot to left side, step left foot beside right

Vkel May 25, 2022
Looks like heaps of fun 😊

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