CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sarah Rohrbach (DE)
Country Mile - Lisa McHugh
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Seq: 32- Tag 1- 32- 16*- 32- Tag 2- 32- 32- 32- 32- 32- Ending

Kick R, Side Rock L, Kick L, Side Rock R, Kick R, Touch L, Unwind ½ L, Stomp up R
1&2&Kick RF forward, set back down next to LF, place LF to left, lift RF briefly and put weight back on RF
3&4&Kick RF forward, again set down beside RF, place RF to right, lift LF briefly and return weight to LF
5&6Kick RF forward, set down again next to LF, set down left toe a bit backward
7&8½ turn left on LF and set left heel down, stomp RF next to LF and lift slightly again

Back R, Heel L, Back L, Cross R, Back L, Heel R, Back R, Cross L, Step R, Heel L, Heel R, Scuff- HitchStomp L (all steps with a slight forward movement)
The following section is danced with a slight forward movement:
&1&2Set RF diagonally back, set left heel diagonally forward, LF back to center, cross RF in front of LF
&3&4move LF diagonally backwards, place right heel diagonally forward, RF back to center, cross LF in front of RF
&5&6Move RF a little bit to the right, place left heel in front, LF back to center, place right heel in front
&7,8RF back to center, LF strong ground stride forward, pulling knee up, LF stomp up next to RF*
(restart in 2nd wall)

Step R, Hook L, Step L, Hook R, Side Rock Cross R, Rock Step ½ Turn L, Rock Step ½ Turn L, Step L, Stomp Up R
1&2&Place RF to the right, raise LF behind right leg, place LF to the left and raise RF behind left leg.
3&4&Stand RF to right, lift LF a bit, weight back on LF, cross RF in front of LF
5&6&Place LF to left, lift RF briefly, weight back on RF and ½ left turn, place LF to left, lift RF briefly, weight back on RF and ½ left turn
7,8Place LF to left, stomp RF next to LF and lift again slightly.

Step Lock Step Back R, Rock Step ½ L, ½ Turn L, Step R, Step L, Stomp Up R 2x diagonal
1&2RF step back, LF cross in front of RF, RF step back.
3&4½ Left turn and LF step forward, lift RF briefly, weight back on RF and ½ Left turn and LF step forward, RF step forward, LF step forward, stomp up RF 2x diagonally forward and lift slightly again

Tag 1 (After 1st wall)
Slide Diagonal R FWD, Slide Diagonal Back L
1,2,3,4Move RF diagonally forward, pull LF slowly behind
5,6,7,8Move LF diagonally back, RF slowly pull behind

Tag 2 (After 4th wall)
Slide Diagonal R FWD, Slide Diagonal Back L
1,2,3,4Move RF diagonally forward, pull RF slowly behind
5,6,7,8Move LF diagonally back, pull RF slowly behind

Step R FWD, Step L FWD, Stomp Up 2x FWD Diagonal
5,6Stomp up RF next to LF, stomp up LF next to RF
7&8Stomp RF 2x diagonal forward

½ Turn L, Stomp FWD R
After the last wall ½ turn left and stomp RF to the front

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