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Boots on a Dance Floor

( 11 Stimmen)
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High Improver
Luci Chryz (INA) - April 2022
Boots on a Dance Floor - Jon Wolfe
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**2x Restart : W3 after 8C (12.00) W6 after 16C (12.00)

Intro 16C - Start LF

Section 1: Point, ¼turn L, ½pivot turn L-forward, ¼turn L step behind, side while lift up LF, replace-while RF closed to LF, slide R, rock back recover
1 2Point LF to side (1) - ¼turn L step LF facing 09.00 (2)
3& 4&Step RF forward (3) - ½turn L facing 03.00 (&) - ¼turn L RF forward facing 12.00 (4) - step LF behind RF (&)
5 6Step RF to side while up your LF & swing hand/s (5) - replace LF while RF closed to LF (6)
7 8&Slide/big step RF to side (7) - rock LF back (8) - recover RF (&)
**W3 end here (Restart 1 after 8C facing 12.00), the step will be like this:
7 8Slide/big step RF to side (7) together touch LF (8) **Restart 1

Section 2: ¼turn R forward LF, sweep rock back, recover, night club R, step LF near RF, ¾spiral turn R, forward R-L, rock-recover, step backward
1 2&¼turn R step LF facing 03.00 (1) sweep RF back (2) recover LF (&)
3 4&Slide RF to R (3) - step LF behind RF (4) - recover RF (&)
5 6&Step LF forward and make ¾ spiral turn R facing 12.00 (5) - step RF forward (6) - step LF forward (&)
7 8&Rock RF forward (7) Recover LF (8) - step RF backward (&)
**W6 ends here (Restart 2 after 16C facing 12.00, the step will be like this :
7 &8Rock RF forward (7) Recover LF (&), together RF (8) ** Restart 2

Section 3: Side rock-recover, modified vaudeville w/ toe, together, cross, side, step back diagonal, step back, ⅛turn L slightly forward
1& 2&Side rock LF (1) recover RF (&) cross LF (2) - step RF to side (&)
3& 4&Toe LF w/ body angle to 10.30 (3) - together LF (&) - cross RF (4) - step LF beside RF (&)
5& 6&Toe RF with body angle to 01.30 (5) - together RF (&) - cross LF forward (6) - step RF to side (&)
7 8&Step LF diagonal backward facing 10.30 (7) - step RF backward (8) - ⅛ turn L facing 09.00 slightly forward (&)
**Ending here on W9 facing 12.00 after 24C + 4C

Section 4: Forward, step in place followed diagonal body angle L-R, ¼turn L, ¼turn L sweep accross LF, side-step behind, ¼ sailor turn L, ¼turn L to step RF together
1 2Step RF forward (1) step LF in place followed body angle facing 04.30 (2)
3 4Step RF in place followed body angle facing 07.30 (3) - ¼turn L step in place facing 03.00 (4)
5& 6¼turn L sweep RF forward across LF facing 12.00 (5) - step LF to side (&) step RF behind while LF sweep (6)
7& 8&¼turn L step LF behind RF facing 09.00 (7) - step RF together (&) - step LF forward (8) ¼turn L step RF together facing 06.00 (&)

Ending 4C (on W9 after 24C continue with this step) :
½Pivot turn L, point, together
1 2Forward RF (1) ½turn L (2)
3 4¼turn L Point RF (3) together RF (4)

Thank you, Happy dancing!

Submitted by

Juna April 23, 2022

Chia April 23, 2022
Vote #4

Pinta April 23, 2022
Vote5great choreography

Anggia April 23, 2022
Sukses yaaaa say 💃❤💃❤

Dian H April 23, 2022

Erni April 23, 2022
Vote #9 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Rosaratina May 3, 2022
Vote #11 💞💞💞💞💞

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