CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Throw It Back

( 1 Stimmen)
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Low Intermediate
Donna Manning (USA) - March 2022
Restarts on walls 1 & 4 after 16 counts

Sec 1 (1-8) Step Back, Replace, Rock, Replace, Coaster Step, Pause, Ball-Step
1-2Step R back (sit back into the r hip for styling), replace weight to L,
3-4Rock R fwrd (can add heel swivels to the R – dip down into the rock – listen to the lyrics and add your flavor), replace to L (12:00)
5&6-7&8Step R back, bring L to R, step R fwrd, pause, step ball of L next to R, step R fwrd

Sec 2 (9-16) Rock-Replace, ½ Turn, ½ Turn, Out-Out, Hip Bumps
1-2Rock L fwrd, replace to R – start looking over your L shoulder
3-4½ Turn L stepping L fwrd, ½ turn L stepping R back
5&6&Step L out to L side as you slap L thigh, step R out to R side as you slap R thigh, 2 claps
7&8&Hip bumps R L R L (12:00)
RESTART HERE ON WALLS 1 &4 FIRST TIME on the very first wall and the 1st time you start in the back

Sec 3 (17-24) R Sailor ¼ Turn, Step ¼ Turn, Step, Touch, Syncopated Rocking Chair, Step ¼ Turn, Step, Touch
1&2Step R behind L making ¼ turn R on the ball of R( 3:00), step L slightly to L side, step R fwrd
3&4Step L fwrd and on the ball of L make ¼ turn R(over rotate to 730), Step R in place, touch L next to R
5&6&Cross rock L over R, replace to R, back rock L, replace to R
7&8Step L across R making ¼ turn L, step R next to L, touch L next to R (should be facing 430) (6:00 wall)
Look over your R shoulder – that’s your target wall and cool styling

Sec 4 (25-32) ¾ Walk Around, Step, Side Toe Switches, Ball-Heel, Ball-Step-Hitch
1,2,3,4Walk L-R-L-R ¾ around to the L (try not to square up to the new wall as the next step will facilitate that)
&5&6quickly bring ball of L to center, R toe to R side, R to center, L toe to L side
&7&8&quickly bring L to center, R heel fwrd, R to center, step L fwrd, small R hitch

END OF DANCE – HAVE FUN! SMILE! Keep sheet in original form please.

Any questions 727-485-7448

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