S1. Step right, left comes behind, side together side, cross rock Left over Right, replace weight, ¼ turn left shuffle forward (LRL)
1,2weight on left, step right foot to the side, left foot comes behind.
3&4side together side
5,6Cross rock left over right, replace weight back to right
7&8¼ turn to the left with a forward shuffle (LRL)
S2. Step, step lock step, step (prep), 2 half turns, quarter turn, touch.
1,2&3step forward with your Right foot, lock step moving forward (LRL)
4step forward with R prepping with foot
5,6half turn, half turn
7,8quarter turn to right, touch
Restart here on wall 11 and 13
Wall 13 is first 16 then 4 count tag jazz box and reatart
S3. Present heel, toe touch, step, half turn, quarter, stomp, stomp
1,2,3,4present the right heel forward for 2 counts, then touch your right toe behind you for 2 counts
5step forward with right foot prepping
6half turn over left shoulder
&¼ turn left
7,8stomp stomp
S4. step right forward prep, half turn, rock back, touch left, step right forward, half turn, quarter step, cross
1,2,3,4step right foot forward prepping, half turn, rock back onto right, touch left in place or hold
5,6step right forward, half turn
7quarter turn stepping right
8left crosses over right
Tag : Jazz box ¼ to the right.
Last Update - 19 May 2023 - R1
1,2weight on left, step right foot to the side, left foot comes behind.
3&4side together side
5,6Cross rock left over right, replace weight back to right
7&8¼ turn to the left with a forward shuffle (LRL)
S2. Step, step lock step, step (prep), 2 half turns, quarter turn, touch.
1,2&3step forward with your Right foot, lock step moving forward (LRL)
4step forward with R prepping with foot
5,6half turn, half turn
7,8quarter turn to right, touch
Restart here on wall 11 and 13
Wall 13 is first 16 then 4 count tag jazz box and reatart
S3. Present heel, toe touch, step, half turn, quarter, stomp, stomp
1,2,3,4present the right heel forward for 2 counts, then touch your right toe behind you for 2 counts
5step forward with right foot prepping
6half turn over left shoulder
&¼ turn left
7,8stomp stomp
S4. step right forward prep, half turn, rock back, touch left, step right forward, half turn, quarter step, cross
1,2,3,4step right foot forward prepping, half turn, rock back onto right, touch left in place or hold
5,6step right forward, half turn
7quarter turn stepping right
8left crosses over right
Tag : Jazz box ¼ to the right.
Last Update - 19 May 2023 - R1