Absolute Beginner
Intro: 32 counts, start on lyrics
Section 1: L Side Mambo, Hold; R Side Mambo, Hold
1-4Rock Step L to L side, Recover to R, Step together on L, Hold
5-8Rock Step R to R side, Recover to L, Step together on R, Hold
Section 2: L Back Mambo, Hold; Step, Pivot ½ L. Step, Hold
1-4Rock Step back on L, Recover to R, Step together on L, Hold
5-8Step forward R, Pivot ½ Turn L (weight onto L), Step forward R (6:00)
Section 3: L Lock Step Forward, Hold; R Forward Mambo, Hold
1-4Step forward L, Lock step R behind L, Step forward L, Hold
5-8Rock Step forward R, Recover to L, Step together on R, Hold
Section 4: L Side Mambo, Hold; Side, Drag, Stomp, Hold
1-4Rock Step L to L side, Recover to R, Step together on L, Hold
5-8Big Step R to R side (5), Drag L towards R (6), Stomp L next to R, not taking weight (7) Hold [weight remains on R] (8)
Section 1: L Side Mambo, Hold; R Side Mambo, Hold
1-4Rock Step L to L side, Recover to R, Step together on L, Hold
5-8Rock Step R to R side, Recover to L, Step together on R, Hold
Section 2: L Back Mambo, Hold; Step, Pivot ½ L. Step, Hold
1-4Rock Step back on L, Recover to R, Step together on L, Hold
5-8Step forward R, Pivot ½ Turn L (weight onto L), Step forward R (6:00)
Section 3: L Lock Step Forward, Hold; R Forward Mambo, Hold
1-4Step forward L, Lock step R behind L, Step forward L, Hold
5-8Rock Step forward R, Recover to L, Step together on R, Hold
Section 4: L Side Mambo, Hold; Side, Drag, Stomp, Hold
1-4Rock Step L to L side, Recover to R, Step together on L, Hold
5-8Big Step R to R side (5), Drag L towards R (6), Stomp L next to R, not taking weight (7) Hold [weight remains on R] (8)