Phrased Beginner
* 40 Count intro.
* Seq. A-tag-BB/ A-tag-BB'(8) /A-tag-BB/AAA'(16)
**Part A: 32 counts
AS1: Forward walk, touch,backward walk, touch
1234Walk RLR, touch L next to R
5678Back LRL, touch R next to L
AS2: Repeat Section 1
AS3: R. Vine touch, L Vine touch
1234Step R side, cross L behind R, step R to right side, touch L next to R
5678Step L side, cross R behind L, step L to left side, touch R next to L
AS4: Repeat Section 3
**Part B: 32 counts
BS1: Cross, hold, cross, hold, back , hold, back, hold
12Cross R, hold
34Cross L, hold
56Back R to center
78Back L together to R
BS2: repeat S1
BS3: (Forward and back diagonal step touch) x2
1234Step R diagonally forwad, touch L next to R, step L diagonally back, touch R next to L
5678Step R diagonally forwad, touch L next to R, step L diagonally back, touch R next to L
BS4 : (Side, together, side, touch) x2
1234Step R to right side, step L close to R, step R to right side, touch L next to R
5678Step L to left side, step R close to L, step L to right side, touch R next to L
** Tag (8 counts) : slow hip bump x4
* Any one, Any music, Any place! Dance dance dance!!
* Seq. A-tag-BB/ A-tag-BB'(8) /A-tag-BB/AAA'(16)
**Part A: 32 counts
AS1: Forward walk, touch,backward walk, touch
1234Walk RLR, touch L next to R
5678Back LRL, touch R next to L
AS2: Repeat Section 1
AS3: R. Vine touch, L Vine touch
1234Step R side, cross L behind R, step R to right side, touch L next to R
5678Step L side, cross R behind L, step L to left side, touch R next to L
AS4: Repeat Section 3
**Part B: 32 counts
BS1: Cross, hold, cross, hold, back , hold, back, hold
12Cross R, hold
34Cross L, hold
56Back R to center
78Back L together to R
BS2: repeat S1
BS3: (Forward and back diagonal step touch) x2
1234Step R diagonally forwad, touch L next to R, step L diagonally back, touch R next to L
5678Step R diagonally forwad, touch L next to R, step L diagonally back, touch R next to L
BS4 : (Side, together, side, touch) x2
1234Step R to right side, step L close to R, step R to right side, touch L next to R
5678Step L to left side, step R close to L, step L to right side, touch R next to L
** Tag (8 counts) : slow hip bump x4
* Any one, Any music, Any place! Dance dance dance!!