Starting after 8 counts with the RF
(1-8) walk walk, scuff ½ , out out, twist 3x kick
1 2step RF fwd (1), step LF fwd (2)
&3 4scuff RF with ½ turn (&), step RF out (3), step LF out (4)
5 6twist heels to R (5), twist heels to L (6)
7 8twist heels to R(7), kick LF (8)
Styling: clench fists and cross L+R arms down (5), open arms L+R to the side (6), cross arms L+R (7), open and put the R arm up and the L arm to the L side (8)
Restart: wall 10 after 8 counts: after kick, step with LF next to RF, change weight and starts with RF
(9-16) sailor step, sailor 1/4 , walk , full turn, jump jump
1&2cross LF behind RF(1), step on RF (&), step LF next to RF (2)
3&4cross RF behind LF (3), ¼ turn R on LF (&), step RF fwd (4)
5 6step LF fwd (5), ½ turn over R step on RF (6)
7&8½ turn over L step on LF (7), Jump together (&) jump fwd (8)
(17- 24) Kick and rock 2x, hitch 1/4 hitch 1/2 , side rock R
1&2&Kick RF fwd (1), step RF next to LF (&), Step L to side (2), Recover on RF (&)
3&4&Kick LF fwd (3), step LF next to RF(&), Step R to side (4), recover on LF
5 6hitch your R knee with ½ turn (5), hitch your knee with ¼ turn (6)
7 8step RF to the side (7), Recover on LF(8)
(25- 32) Side rock L, step rock fwd, 2x swep back, cheast pop
&1 2step RF next to LF (&), step LF to the side (1), Recover on RF (2)
&3 4step on LF next to RF (&), step RF fwd (3), Recover on LF (4)
5 6Step back on RF while sweeping LF from front to back (5), Step back on LF while sweeping RF from front to back (6)
7&8&step back on RF (7), cheast pop out (&), cheast pop in (8), Step forward on LF (&)
Have fun and keep DANCING <3
Last Update: 9 Aug 2023
(1-8) walk walk, scuff ½ , out out, twist 3x kick
1 2step RF fwd (1), step LF fwd (2)
&3 4scuff RF with ½ turn (&), step RF out (3), step LF out (4)
5 6twist heels to R (5), twist heels to L (6)
7 8twist heels to R(7), kick LF (8)
Styling: clench fists and cross L+R arms down (5), open arms L+R to the side (6), cross arms L+R (7), open and put the R arm up and the L arm to the L side (8)
Restart: wall 10 after 8 counts: after kick, step with LF next to RF, change weight and starts with RF
(9-16) sailor step, sailor 1/4 , walk , full turn, jump jump
1&2cross LF behind RF(1), step on RF (&), step LF next to RF (2)
3&4cross RF behind LF (3), ¼ turn R on LF (&), step RF fwd (4)
5 6step LF fwd (5), ½ turn over R step on RF (6)
7&8½ turn over L step on LF (7), Jump together (&) jump fwd (8)
(17- 24) Kick and rock 2x, hitch 1/4 hitch 1/2 , side rock R
1&2&Kick RF fwd (1), step RF next to LF (&), Step L to side (2), Recover on RF (&)
3&4&Kick LF fwd (3), step LF next to RF(&), Step R to side (4), recover on LF
5 6hitch your R knee with ½ turn (5), hitch your knee with ¼ turn (6)
7 8step RF to the side (7), Recover on LF(8)
(25- 32) Side rock L, step rock fwd, 2x swep back, cheast pop
&1 2step RF next to LF (&), step LF to the side (1), Recover on RF (2)
&3 4step on LF next to RF (&), step RF fwd (3), Recover on LF (4)
5 6Step back on RF while sweeping LF from front to back (5), Step back on LF while sweeping RF from front to back (6)
7&8&step back on RF (7), cheast pop out (&), cheast pop in (8), Step forward on LF (&)
Have fun and keep DANCING <3
Last Update: 9 Aug 2023