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Dancing In The Living Room

( 4 Stimmen)
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Low Intermediate
EWS Winson (MY) - March 2022
Dancing In The Living Room - Mickey Guyton
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Intro : 24 counts in (Approx 0.12 sec)
Notes : There are 2 Restarts. Restart 1 happens on Wall 2 after 24 counts. Restart 2 happens on Wall 4 after 12 counts.

#1-2 (1-12) L-R Full (L) Modified Waltzing Box
1-3Weight on RF: Step LF forward (1), turn ¼ L stepping RF to R side (2), close LF next to RF (3) 9.00
4-6Step RF back (4), turn ¼ L stepping LF to L side (5), close RF next to LF (6) 6.00
1-3Step LF forward (1), turn ¼ L stepping RF to R side (2), close LF next to RF (3) 3.00
4-6Step RF back (4), turn ¼ L rocking LF to L side (5), recover weight on RF (6) *** 12.00
Restart here on Wall 4. Begin the dance again, facing 6.00 o’clock.

#3-4 (13-24) L Cross & Spiral Full (R), R Forward Diagonal, L Cross Rock & Recover, L Rolling Vine (L), R Cross Hinge ½ (R) with R Side
1-3Cross LF over RF (1), make a full turn over R shoulder for 2 counts ended with RF crossing over LF (2-3) - open body slightly to R diagonal 1.30
4-6Step RF forward to R diagonal (4), cross rock LF over RF (5), recover weight on RF (6) 1.30
1-3Turn ¼ L stepping LF forward (1), turn ½ L stepping RF back (2), turn ¼ L stepping LF to L side (3) 12.00
4-6Cross RF over LF (4), turn ¼ R stepping LF back (5), turn another ¼ R stepping RF to R side (6) *** 6.00
Restart here on Wall 2. Begin the dance again, facing 12.00 o’clock.

#5-6 (25-36) R Diagonal with L Forward, R Forward Kick, ½ (L) with R Hitch, R Coaster Step, L Forward, R Sweep ⅛ (L), R Modified Jazz Box ¼ (R) with R Side
1-3Step LF forward on R diagonal (1), kick RF forward (2), turn ½ L on ball of LF while lifting R knee beside LF (3) 1.30
4-6Step RF back (4), close LF beside RF (5), step RF forward (6) 1.30
1-3Step LF forward (1), sweep RF from back to front while turning ⅛ L for 2 counts (2-3) 12.00
4-6Cross RF over LF (4), turn ⅛ R stepping LF back (5), turn another ⅛ R stepping RF to R side (6) 3.00

#7-8 (37-48) L Cross, R Forward Diagonal Side Chasse, L Check, R Cross, L Forward Diagonal Side Chasse, R Check ¼ (R) with R Forward
1-2&3Cross LF over RF (1), step RF to R side (2), close LF next to RF (&), step RF to R side (3) - travelling slightly forward to R diagonal 4.30
4-6Cross rock LF over RF (4), recover weight on RF (5), step LF to L side squaring up to original wall (6) 3.00
1-2&3Cross RF over LF (1), step LF to L side (2), close RF next to LF (&), step LF to L side (3) - travelling slightly forward to L diagonal 1.30
4-6Cross rock RF over LF (4), recover weight on LF (5), turn ¼ R stepping RF forward (6) 6.00

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