Massive Thanks to Ms. Zhu Huifang, the President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Line Dance Association, for referring this joyful piece of music. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Intro: 16
S1: Side Touch RL, Scissors, Side Touch LR, Scissors
1&2&step Rf to R side, touch Lf next to Rf, step Lf to L side, touch Rf next to Lf
3&4step Rf to R side, step Lf next to Rf, cross Rf over Lf
5&6&step Lf to L side, touch Rf next to Lf, step Rf to R side, touch Lf next Rf
7&8step Lf to L side, step Rf next to Lf, cross Lf over Rf, facing 1:30H
S2: Step Kick RLRL, 1/2L Pivot, Forward, 1/2R x 2, Forward
1&2&step Rf forward slightly, kick Lf forward, step Lf forward slightly, kick Rf forward
3&4&= 1&2&
5&6step Rf forward, turn ½ to L stepping Lf in place, step Rf forward
7&8turn ½ to R stepping Lf back, 7:30H, turn ½ to R stepping Rf forward, 1:30H, step Lf forward
Restart here during W3 after making a 1/8 turn to L facing 12H
S3: Forward Mambo, 1/8R Sailor, Sailor, 1/2L Chasse Forward
1&2step Rf forward, step Lf in place, step Rf slightly back
3&4step Lf behind Rf, turn 1/8 to R stepping Rf to R side, 9H, step Lf in place
5&6step Rf behind Lf, step Lf to L side, step Rf in place
7&8step Lf forward, turn ¼ to L stepping Rf next to Lf, turn ¼ to L stepping Lf forward, 3H
S4: Rumba Box, (Rock Back Recover, ½) RL
1&2step Rf to R side, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf forward
3&4step Lf to L side, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf back
5&6rock Rf back, recover onto Lf, turn ½ to L step Rf back, 9H
7&8rock Lf back, recover onto Rf, turn ½ to R step Lf back, 3H
Thanks and happy Valentine’s Day!
Intro: 16
S1: Side Touch RL, Scissors, Side Touch LR, Scissors
1&2&step Rf to R side, touch Lf next to Rf, step Lf to L side, touch Rf next to Lf
3&4step Rf to R side, step Lf next to Rf, cross Rf over Lf
5&6&step Lf to L side, touch Rf next to Lf, step Rf to R side, touch Lf next Rf
7&8step Lf to L side, step Rf next to Lf, cross Lf over Rf, facing 1:30H
S2: Step Kick RLRL, 1/2L Pivot, Forward, 1/2R x 2, Forward
1&2&step Rf forward slightly, kick Lf forward, step Lf forward slightly, kick Rf forward
3&4&= 1&2&
5&6step Rf forward, turn ½ to L stepping Lf in place, step Rf forward
7&8turn ½ to R stepping Lf back, 7:30H, turn ½ to R stepping Rf forward, 1:30H, step Lf forward
Restart here during W3 after making a 1/8 turn to L facing 12H
S3: Forward Mambo, 1/8R Sailor, Sailor, 1/2L Chasse Forward
1&2step Rf forward, step Lf in place, step Rf slightly back
3&4step Lf behind Rf, turn 1/8 to R stepping Rf to R side, 9H, step Lf in place
5&6step Rf behind Lf, step Lf to L side, step Rf in place
7&8step Lf forward, turn ¼ to L stepping Rf next to Lf, turn ¼ to L stepping Lf forward, 3H
S4: Rumba Box, (Rock Back Recover, ½) RL
1&2step Rf to R side, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf forward
3&4step Lf to L side, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf back
5&6rock Rf back, recover onto Lf, turn ½ to L step Rf back, 9H
7&8rock Lf back, recover onto Rf, turn ½ to R step Lf back, 3H
Thanks and happy Valentine’s Day!