Beginner NC2
Intro: 32 Counts
Section 1: Basic Nightclub. Basic Nightclub. Mambo. ¼ Turn left. Basic Nightclub.
1-2&Take a long step to the right. Rock back on left. Recover onto right crossing left.
3-4&Take a long step to the left. Rock back on right. Recover onto left crossing right.
5-6&Rock forward on right. Recover onto left, Step back on right.
7-8&Turn ¼ left and take a long step to the left. Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
Section 2: Long Step right. Behind. Side. Cross. Side Rock. ¼ Turn left .Step. Triple Turn Forward. Full Turn Forward.
1-2&Take a long Step right .Cross left behind right. Step right to right side.
3-4&Cross left over right Rock right to right side. Recover onto left turning ¼ left.
5Step forward on right.
6&7Make a Full Triple Turn over your right shoulder, travelling forward. (l,r,l)
8&Make a full turn over your left shoulder travelling forward (r,l)
Easy options: Replace the Triple Full Turn with a Forward Shuffle & Full Turn with 2 walks forward.
*2 Count Tag: After Wall 8 facing 12 O'clock
*Tag: Sway Right . Sway Left
Section 1: Basic Nightclub. Basic Nightclub. Mambo. ¼ Turn left. Basic Nightclub.
1-2&Take a long step to the right. Rock back on left. Recover onto right crossing left.
3-4&Take a long step to the left. Rock back on right. Recover onto left crossing right.
5-6&Rock forward on right. Recover onto left, Step back on right.
7-8&Turn ¼ left and take a long step to the left. Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
Section 2: Long Step right. Behind. Side. Cross. Side Rock. ¼ Turn left .Step. Triple Turn Forward. Full Turn Forward.
1-2&Take a long Step right .Cross left behind right. Step right to right side.
3-4&Cross left over right Rock right to right side. Recover onto left turning ¼ left.
5Step forward on right.
6&7Make a Full Triple Turn over your right shoulder, travelling forward. (l,r,l)
8&Make a full turn over your left shoulder travelling forward (r,l)
Easy options: Replace the Triple Full Turn with a Forward Shuffle & Full Turn with 2 walks forward.
*2 Count Tag: After Wall 8 facing 12 O'clock
*Tag: Sway Right . Sway Left