Section 1 - R side rock, behind, side, fwd, L side rock, behind, side, fwd
1 2rock R to side, recover on L
3&4step R behind L, step L to side, cross R over L
5 6rock L to side, recover on R
7&8step L behind L, step R to side, cross L over R
Section 2 - Kickball change twice, paddle 1/4 turn twice
1&2kick R fwd, ball R next to L, step L in place
3&4kick R fwd, ball R next to L, step L in place
5 6step R fwd, turn 1/4 left
7 8step R fwd, turn 1/4 left (6:00)
Section 3 - R cross, side, behind, point, L cross, side, behind, point
1234cross R over L, step L to side, step R behind L, point L to side
5678cross L over R, step R to side, step L behind R, point R to side
Section 4 - R rocking chair, jazz box 1/4 turn
1 2rock R fwd, recover on L
3 4back rock R, recover on L
5 6cross R over L, step L to side
7 8step R to side turning 1/4 right, step L fwd (9:00)
1 2rock R to side, recover on L
3&4step R behind L, step L to side, cross R over L
5 6rock L to side, recover on R
7&8step L behind L, step R to side, cross L over R
Section 2 - Kickball change twice, paddle 1/4 turn twice
1&2kick R fwd, ball R next to L, step L in place
3&4kick R fwd, ball R next to L, step L in place
5 6step R fwd, turn 1/4 left
7 8step R fwd, turn 1/4 left (6:00)
Section 3 - R cross, side, behind, point, L cross, side, behind, point
1234cross R over L, step L to side, step R behind L, point L to side
5678cross L over R, step R to side, step L behind R, point R to side
Section 4 - R rocking chair, jazz box 1/4 turn
1 2rock R fwd, recover on L
3 4back rock R, recover on L
5 6cross R over L, step L to side
7 8step R to side turning 1/4 right, step L fwd (9:00)