Phrased Intermediate +
Sequence: A-A-B-Tag-A-A-B-Tag-B32-A-A-B-Tag-A8-Finale
Intro : 08 Counts
Part A: 32 Counts
[01-08] Rumba box, Hold, Rumba box, Hold
1-2-3RF step side, LF step near RF, RF step fwd
5-6-7LF step side, RF step near LF, LF step fwd
[09-16] Mambo fwd, Hold, Shuffle turn ½ L, Hold
1-2-3RF step fwd, LF recover weight, RF step back
5-6-7LF ¼ turn L step side, RF step near LF, LF ¼ turn L step fwd------------6:00
[17-24] Skate x2, Turning Jazz box ⅛ R,
1-2-3-4RF skate in 2 counts, LF skate in 2 counts
5-6-7RF cross over LF, LF step back, RF ⅛ turn R step side-------------------7:30
[25-32] ⅛ R Stomp x2, Jazz box
1-2-3-4LF ⅛ L stomp side in 2 counts, RF stomp side in 2 counts----------------6:00
5-6-7-8LF cross over RF, RF step back, LF step side, RF touch near LF
Tag 16 Counts
[01-08] Grapevine R, Scuff, Turning grapevine ½ L, Scuff
1-2-3RF step side, LF cross behind RF, RF step side
4LF scuff
5-6-7LF step side, RF cross behind LF, LF ½ turn L step down
8RF scuff
[09-16] Grapevine R, Scuff, Turning grapevine ½ L, Scuff
1-2-3RF step side, LF cross behind RF, RF step side
4LF scuff
5-6-7LF step side, RF cross behind LF, LF ½ turn L step down
8RF scuff
Part B: 64 Counts
[01-08] Kick x2, Sailor R, Kick x2, Sailor L
1-2RF kick fwd, RF kick diag fwd
3&4RF cross behind LF, LF step side, RF step side
5-6LF kick fwd, LF kick diag fwd
7&8LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF step side
[09-16] Point side & together x2, Heel switches, Turning toe strut ½ L
1-2RF point side using 2 counts
&RF step near LF
3-4LF point side using 2 counts
&LF step near RF
5&6RF heel touch fwd, RF step near LF, LF heel touch fwd
7-8LF point back, LF ½ turn L step down------------------------------------6:00
[17-24] Kick ball step, Step turn turn, Big step back & drag
1&2RF kick fwd, RF step near LF, LF step fwd
3-4-5RF step fwd, LF ½ turn L step fwd, RF ½ turn L step back----------------6:00
6-7-8LF big step back, RF drag near LF in 2 counts
[25-32] Stomp, ½ L Stomp, Jazz box
1-2RF stomp fwd using 2 counts
3-4LF ½ turn L stomp fwd using 2 counts
5-6-7-8RF cross over LF, LF step back, RF step side, LF cross over RF---------12:00
[33-40] Wave R, Rock side, Stomp-up x2
1-2-3-4RF step side, LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF cross over RF
5-6RF step side, LF recover weight
7-8RF stomp-up, RF stomp-up
[41-48] Kick & turn & point, Hold, Kick ball step, Kick
1-2&3RF kick fwd, RF cross over LF, RF ½ turn L step down, LF point side-----6:00
5&6LF kick fwd, LF step near RF, RF step fwd
7-8LF kick fwd, LF hook in front of RF
[49-56] Heel strut x2, Mambo fwd, Hold
1-2-3-4LF heel touch fwd, LF step down, RF heel touch fwd, RF step down
5-6-7LF step fwd, RF recover weight, LF step back
[57-64] Toe strut ½ R, ½ R Toe strut, Step hook, Step scuff
1-2RF point back, RF ½ turn R step down-----------------------------------12:00
3-4LF ½ turn R point back, LF step down------------------------------------6:00
5-6RF step back, LF hook in front of RF
7-8LF step fwd, RF scuff
Finale RF stomp-up near LF, RF stomp fwd
Intro : 08 Counts
Part A: 32 Counts
[01-08] Rumba box, Hold, Rumba box, Hold
1-2-3RF step side, LF step near RF, RF step fwd
5-6-7LF step side, RF step near LF, LF step fwd
[09-16] Mambo fwd, Hold, Shuffle turn ½ L, Hold
1-2-3RF step fwd, LF recover weight, RF step back
5-6-7LF ¼ turn L step side, RF step near LF, LF ¼ turn L step fwd------------6:00
[17-24] Skate x2, Turning Jazz box ⅛ R,
1-2-3-4RF skate in 2 counts, LF skate in 2 counts
5-6-7RF cross over LF, LF step back, RF ⅛ turn R step side-------------------7:30
[25-32] ⅛ R Stomp x2, Jazz box
1-2-3-4LF ⅛ L stomp side in 2 counts, RF stomp side in 2 counts----------------6:00
5-6-7-8LF cross over RF, RF step back, LF step side, RF touch near LF
Tag 16 Counts
[01-08] Grapevine R, Scuff, Turning grapevine ½ L, Scuff
1-2-3RF step side, LF cross behind RF, RF step side
4LF scuff
5-6-7LF step side, RF cross behind LF, LF ½ turn L step down
8RF scuff
[09-16] Grapevine R, Scuff, Turning grapevine ½ L, Scuff
1-2-3RF step side, LF cross behind RF, RF step side
4LF scuff
5-6-7LF step side, RF cross behind LF, LF ½ turn L step down
8RF scuff
Part B: 64 Counts
[01-08] Kick x2, Sailor R, Kick x2, Sailor L
1-2RF kick fwd, RF kick diag fwd
3&4RF cross behind LF, LF step side, RF step side
5-6LF kick fwd, LF kick diag fwd
7&8LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF step side
[09-16] Point side & together x2, Heel switches, Turning toe strut ½ L
1-2RF point side using 2 counts
&RF step near LF
3-4LF point side using 2 counts
&LF step near RF
5&6RF heel touch fwd, RF step near LF, LF heel touch fwd
7-8LF point back, LF ½ turn L step down------------------------------------6:00
[17-24] Kick ball step, Step turn turn, Big step back & drag
1&2RF kick fwd, RF step near LF, LF step fwd
3-4-5RF step fwd, LF ½ turn L step fwd, RF ½ turn L step back----------------6:00
6-7-8LF big step back, RF drag near LF in 2 counts
[25-32] Stomp, ½ L Stomp, Jazz box
1-2RF stomp fwd using 2 counts
3-4LF ½ turn L stomp fwd using 2 counts
5-6-7-8RF cross over LF, LF step back, RF step side, LF cross over RF---------12:00
[33-40] Wave R, Rock side, Stomp-up x2
1-2-3-4RF step side, LF cross behind RF, RF step side, LF cross over RF
5-6RF step side, LF recover weight
7-8RF stomp-up, RF stomp-up
[41-48] Kick & turn & point, Hold, Kick ball step, Kick
1-2&3RF kick fwd, RF cross over LF, RF ½ turn L step down, LF point side-----6:00
5&6LF kick fwd, LF step near RF, RF step fwd
7-8LF kick fwd, LF hook in front of RF
[49-56] Heel strut x2, Mambo fwd, Hold
1-2-3-4LF heel touch fwd, LF step down, RF heel touch fwd, RF step down
5-6-7LF step fwd, RF recover weight, LF step back
[57-64] Toe strut ½ R, ½ R Toe strut, Step hook, Step scuff
1-2RF point back, RF ½ turn R step down-----------------------------------12:00
3-4LF ½ turn R point back, LF step down------------------------------------6:00
5-6RF step back, LF hook in front of RF
7-8LF step fwd, RF scuff
Finale RF stomp-up near LF, RF stomp fwd