Intro: 34 counts, begin dance when vocal starts.
Restarts: Walls 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 after 32 counts
Tags: 2 Tag A (16 counts after Wall 2), Tag B (4 counts after Wall 5)
Sequence: 64, 32+TagA, 64, 32, 32+TagB, 32, 32, 32 (Walls 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 respectively)
S1: Fwd, Pivot 1/2 left, 1/2 left Back Shuffle, Back, Back, Coaster Step
1 2Step R fwd(1), Pivot 1/2 left Keep weight on L(2) 6:00
3&41/2 left Step R back(3), Step L close to R(&), Step R back(4) 12:00
5 6Sweep back on L(5), Sweep back on R(6)
7&8Step L back(7), Step R together(&), Step L fwd(8)
S2: Fwd, Fwd, right Side Rock, Fwd, Fwd, Fwd, left Side Rock, Fwd
1 2Step R fwd(1), Step L fwd(2)
3&4Rock R to side(3), Recover on L(&), Step R fwd(4)
5 6Step L fwd(5), Step R fwd(6)
7&8Rock L to side(7), Recover on R(&),Step L fwd(8)
S3: 1/4 left Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, 1/4 right Back, 1/4 right Side, Cross Shuffle
1 21/4 left rock R to side(1), Recover on L(2) 9:00
3&4Cross R over L(3), Step L to side(&), Cross R over L(4)
5 61/4 right Step L back(5), 1/4 right Step R to side(6) 3:00
7&8Cross L over R(7), Step R to side(&), Cross L over R(8)
S4: Side, Together, Fwd Shuffle, 1/4 right Side, Together, Coaster Step
1 2Step R to side(1), Step L next to R(2)
3&4Step R fwd(3), Step L close to R(&), Step R fwd(4)
5 61/4 right Step L to side(5), Step R next to L(6) 6:00
7&8Step L back(7), Step R together(&), Step L fwd(8)
*Restart here on Walls 2,4,5,6,7,8
*Tags here after Wall 2 + (TagA) and after Wall 5 + (TagB)
S5: Fwd Rock, 1/2 right Fwd Shuffle, HALF Turn (2 x 1/4 right Step Turns)
1 2Rock R fwd(1), Recover on L(2)
3&41/2 right Step R fwd(3), Step L close to R(&), Step R fwd(4) 12:00
5 6Point L to front(5), 1/4 right step R in place(6) 3:00
7 8Point L to front(7), 1/4 right Step R in place(8) 6:00
S6: Cross Rock, left Side Shuffle, Cross Rock, right Side Shuffle
1 2Cross rock L over R(1), Recover on R(2)
3&4Step L to side(3), Step R next to L(&), Step L to side(4)
5 6Cross rock R over L(5), Recover on L(6)
7&8Step R to side(7), Step L next to R(&), Step R to side(8)
S7: Fwd Rock, 1/2 left Fwd Shuffle, HALF Turn (2 x 1/4 left Step Turns)
1 2Rock L fwd(1), Recover on R(2)
3&41/2 left Step L fwd(3), Step R close to L(&), Step L fwd(4) 12:00
5 6Point R to front(5), 1/4 left Step L in place(6) 9:00
7 8Point R to front(7), 1/4 left Step L in place(8) 6:00
S8: Cross Rock, right Side Shuffle, Cross Rock, left Side Shuffle
1 2Cross rock R over L(1), Recover L(2)
3&4Step R to side(3), Step L next to R&), Step R to side
5 6Cross rock L over R(5), Recover on R(6)
7&8Step L to side(7), Step R next to L(&), Step L to side(8) 6:00
Start dance again.
After 32 counts on Wall 2(6:00) + Tag A, Wall 4(6:00), Wall 5(12:00) + Tag B, Wall 6(6:00), Wall 7(12:00) and Wall 8(6:00)
Tag A: 16 counts after Wall 2(6:00) now facing 12:00
right Side Together, Side Shuffle, left Side Together, Side Shuffle, FULL Turn (4 x 1/4 left Step Turns)
1- 4Step R to side(1), L Together(2), Step R to side(3), L Together(&), Step R to side(4)
5- 8Step L to side(5), R together(6), Step L to side(7), R together(&), Step L to side(8)
9-16Point R to front(9), 1/4 left Step L in place(10) 9:00, Point R to front(11), 1/4 left Step L in place(12) 6:00, Point R to front(13), 1/4 left Step L in place(14) 3:00, Point R to front(15), 1/4 left Step L in place(16) 12:00
Tag B: 4 counts after Wall 5(12:00) now facing 6:00
Fwd, Pivot 1/2 left, Fwd, Pivot 1/2 left
1- 4Step R fwd(1), pivot 1/2 left Keep weight on L(2) 12:00, Step R fwd(3), pivot 1/2 left -Keep weight on L(4) 6:00
Non turning option on Section 1 on counts 1 2 3&4
Fwd Rock, Shuffle Back
1- 4Rock R fwd(1), Recover on L(2) Step R back(3), Step L close to R(&), Step R back(4)
End of dance: Wall 8(6:00) after 32 counts now facing 12:00, just Cross L over R on the last count of Coaster step.
ENJOY! Lovepeace2all
Restarts: Walls 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 after 32 counts
Tags: 2 Tag A (16 counts after Wall 2), Tag B (4 counts after Wall 5)
Sequence: 64, 32+TagA, 64, 32, 32+TagB, 32, 32, 32 (Walls 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 respectively)
S1: Fwd, Pivot 1/2 left, 1/2 left Back Shuffle, Back, Back, Coaster Step
1 2Step R fwd(1), Pivot 1/2 left Keep weight on L(2) 6:00
3&41/2 left Step R back(3), Step L close to R(&), Step R back(4) 12:00
5 6Sweep back on L(5), Sweep back on R(6)
7&8Step L back(7), Step R together(&), Step L fwd(8)
S2: Fwd, Fwd, right Side Rock, Fwd, Fwd, Fwd, left Side Rock, Fwd
1 2Step R fwd(1), Step L fwd(2)
3&4Rock R to side(3), Recover on L(&), Step R fwd(4)
5 6Step L fwd(5), Step R fwd(6)
7&8Rock L to side(7), Recover on R(&),Step L fwd(8)
S3: 1/4 left Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, 1/4 right Back, 1/4 right Side, Cross Shuffle
1 21/4 left rock R to side(1), Recover on L(2) 9:00
3&4Cross R over L(3), Step L to side(&), Cross R over L(4)
5 61/4 right Step L back(5), 1/4 right Step R to side(6) 3:00
7&8Cross L over R(7), Step R to side(&), Cross L over R(8)
S4: Side, Together, Fwd Shuffle, 1/4 right Side, Together, Coaster Step
1 2Step R to side(1), Step L next to R(2)
3&4Step R fwd(3), Step L close to R(&), Step R fwd(4)
5 61/4 right Step L to side(5), Step R next to L(6) 6:00
7&8Step L back(7), Step R together(&), Step L fwd(8)
*Restart here on Walls 2,4,5,6,7,8
*Tags here after Wall 2 + (TagA) and after Wall 5 + (TagB)
S5: Fwd Rock, 1/2 right Fwd Shuffle, HALF Turn (2 x 1/4 right Step Turns)
1 2Rock R fwd(1), Recover on L(2)
3&41/2 right Step R fwd(3), Step L close to R(&), Step R fwd(4) 12:00
5 6Point L to front(5), 1/4 right step R in place(6) 3:00
7 8Point L to front(7), 1/4 right Step R in place(8) 6:00
S6: Cross Rock, left Side Shuffle, Cross Rock, right Side Shuffle
1 2Cross rock L over R(1), Recover on R(2)
3&4Step L to side(3), Step R next to L(&), Step L to side(4)
5 6Cross rock R over L(5), Recover on L(6)
7&8Step R to side(7), Step L next to R(&), Step R to side(8)
S7: Fwd Rock, 1/2 left Fwd Shuffle, HALF Turn (2 x 1/4 left Step Turns)
1 2Rock L fwd(1), Recover on R(2)
3&41/2 left Step L fwd(3), Step R close to L(&), Step L fwd(4) 12:00
5 6Point R to front(5), 1/4 left Step L in place(6) 9:00
7 8Point R to front(7), 1/4 left Step L in place(8) 6:00
S8: Cross Rock, right Side Shuffle, Cross Rock, left Side Shuffle
1 2Cross rock R over L(1), Recover L(2)
3&4Step R to side(3), Step L next to R&), Step R to side
5 6Cross rock L over R(5), Recover on R(6)
7&8Step L to side(7), Step R next to L(&), Step L to side(8) 6:00
Start dance again.
After 32 counts on Wall 2(6:00) + Tag A, Wall 4(6:00), Wall 5(12:00) + Tag B, Wall 6(6:00), Wall 7(12:00) and Wall 8(6:00)
Tag A: 16 counts after Wall 2(6:00) now facing 12:00
right Side Together, Side Shuffle, left Side Together, Side Shuffle, FULL Turn (4 x 1/4 left Step Turns)
1- 4Step R to side(1), L Together(2), Step R to side(3), L Together(&), Step R to side(4)
5- 8Step L to side(5), R together(6), Step L to side(7), R together(&), Step L to side(8)
9-16Point R to front(9), 1/4 left Step L in place(10) 9:00, Point R to front(11), 1/4 left Step L in place(12) 6:00, Point R to front(13), 1/4 left Step L in place(14) 3:00, Point R to front(15), 1/4 left Step L in place(16) 12:00
Tag B: 4 counts after Wall 5(12:00) now facing 6:00
Fwd, Pivot 1/2 left, Fwd, Pivot 1/2 left
1- 4Step R fwd(1), pivot 1/2 left Keep weight on L(2) 12:00, Step R fwd(3), pivot 1/2 left -Keep weight on L(4) 6:00
Non turning option on Section 1 on counts 1 2 3&4
Fwd Rock, Shuffle Back
1- 4Rock R fwd(1), Recover on L(2) Step R back(3), Step L close to R(&), Step R back(4)
End of dance: Wall 8(6:00) after 32 counts now facing 12:00, just Cross L over R on the last count of Coaster step.
ENJOY! Lovepeace2all