CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157569
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Gardenia Waltz (栀子花华尔兹)

( 58 Stimmen)
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Janet (Zhen Zhen) Ge (CN) - October 2021
Gardenia in Blossom (梔子花開) - He Jiong (何炅)
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Intro: 4x6 counts ( from heavy beat )

Section1: Twinkle L, Twinkle R
123Cross left over right, step right to side, step left forward diagonal L
456Cross right over left, step left to side, step right forward diagonal R

Section2: Fwd Balance, Back Balance
123Step left forward, step right together, step left in place
456Step right back, step left together, step right in place
Section3: Fwd, 1/2 Turn Back, Tog, Back, Tog, Fwd
123Step left forward, 1/2 turn L stepping right back, step left together (9:00)
456Step right back, step left together, step right forward (6:00)
Section4: Sway L, Hold, Sway R, Hold
123Step left to side with sway L, hold(2 count)
456Step right to side with sway R, hold(2 count) ( Restart )
Section5: Fwd, 1/2 Pivot L, Fwd, 1/2 Pivot R
123Step left forward, step right forward, 1/2 pivot L weight on left (12:00)
456Step right forward, step left froward, 1/2 pivot R weight on right (6:00)

Section6: 1/8 Turn R Fwd, Hitch, Hold, Weave Step
1231/8 Turn R stepping left forward, hitch right, hold (7:30)
456Step right back, 1/8 turn L stepping left to side, cross right over left (6:00)

Section7: 1/8 Turn L Fwd, Sweep, Weave Step
1231/8 Turn L stepping left forward (4:30), 1/8 turn L sweeping right from back to front (3:00)
456Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right behind left

Section8: Side, Drag, Touch, 1/4 Turn Fwd, 1/4 Turn Side
123Step left to side, drag right toward left, touch right next left
4561/4 Turn R stepping right forward, 1/4 turn R rocking left to side, recover on right

Start over again!

Tag: 3 counts ( After on wall 3、wall 6 & wall 10 facing to 12:00 )
123Cross left over right, touch right behind left, step right in place

Restart : During wall 2 & wall 5, dance to section 4 facing to 3:00

Last Update - 8 Oct. 2021

2021 12 OCT 8
Erni October 5, 2021
Vote #11 ❤️❤️❤️

BTG October 6, 2021
Excellent, this chore should go places。 Vote 22

Yuan October 6, 2021
So beautiful and good choreography. Vote 21

Janet October 6, 2021
Thanks Erni, BTG & Yuan!

Sparkle M October 9, 2021
Gorgeous dance to a gorgeous piece of music, so beautiful!

Janet October 9, 2021
Thanks Sparkle M!

Khyris Heng October 14, 2021
Excellent。。。So beautiful and good choreography.

Janet October 14, 2021
Thanks Khyris Heng!

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