CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Rest of Our Lives

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Phrased High Intermediate
Sophia KSF (MY) - September 2021
Dance With Me - Caleb and Kelsey
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Intro : 4 counts, start on vocal. Sequence : ABB+ ABB+ A- BB+
(A- Finish at 14C with step change)

Section 1 : Forward Sweep x 2, forward, 1/8 turn x 2, sway, ¼ step, full turn
1LF forward, sweep RF from back to front
2RF forward, sweep LF from back to front
3-4LF forward, 1/8 left turn RF to right (facing 10.30)
5-61/8 left turn, LF to left with body sway left and right (facing 9)
7&8LF forward with ¼ left turn (7) RF back with ½ turn left (&) LF forward with ½ turn left (8)

SECTION 2 : Side cross back, side cross rock recover, back hitch, back hitch behind ¼ left forward, rock recover
1&RF to right, LF cross over RF
2&RF back, LF to left
3&RF cross over LF, recover on to LF
4RF back, hitch LF from front to back
5&LF back, hitch RF from front to back, RF behind LF
6LF forward with ¼ left turn
(A- Ends here with step change on count 6, step LF to left)
7-8Rock RF forward, recover onto LF

SECTION 3 : Back sweep x 2, behind side cross, ¼ forward, ½ turn, triple turn
1-2RF back with LF sweeping from front to back, LF back with RF sweeping from front to back
3&4RF behind LF(3), LF to left(&), cross RF over LF(4)
5-6LF forward with ¼ left turn, ½ turn left with RF back
7&8LF forward, ½ turn left (7) RF back, ½ turn left (&) LF forward, ½ turn left (8)

SECTION 4 : 1/8 left back, drag, ¼ right, drag & hook, syncopated jazzbox, unwind ¾ turn
1-21/8 left turn stepping RF back, drag LF down, touch next to RF (facing 10.30)
3-4¼ right turn stepping LF back, drag RF down, hook over LF (facing 1.30)
5&6&RF forward with 1/8 right turn (5) cross LF over RF (&) step back on RF (6) LF to left (&)
7-8Cross RF over LF, unwind ¾ left turn (facing 6)

Section 1 : Half Diamond Step, side rock recover behind side 1/8 left forward and kick
12&RF to right, LF back with 1/8 left turn, RF back with 1/8 left turn (facing 3)
34&LF forward with 1/8 left turn, RF forward, recover onto LF (facing 1.30)
56&1/8 left turn, RF to right with sway (5) transfer weight to LF (6) RF behind LF (&) (facing 12)
7&8LF to left (7) RF forward with 1/8 left turn (&) kick LF forward bending RF (8) (facing 10.30)
*Hand Styling during kick - sweep up both hands

Section 2 : Point, ½ turn, 1/8, side rock cross, back, ¼ side, together forward x2, pivot ½ turn
1-2Point LF back, ½ turn left, LF in place (facing 4.30)
3&4RF to right with 1/8 left turn, recover on LF, RF cross over LF (facing 3)
5&6LF back (5) ¼ right turn RF to right (&) transfer weight to LF (facing 6)
&7&8Close RF to LF (&) LF forward (7) RF forward (&) pivot half turn left (8)

B+ : Additional 4 steps after the last 8 counts
1-2) RF to right swaying right, sway to left
3&4) Sway right, sway left, sway right drag and close LF to RF slightly bending both legs
*Hand Styling - cross both hands in front of chest when u bring both legs together

Ending : Walk back to 12 o'clock facing

Hope you will enjoy the dance to this wonderful song.

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