No Tag No Restart!! Intro 12
S1 Waltz Forward, Waltz Backward
1-3Step Lf forward, step Rf to R side, step Lf next to Rf
4-6step Rf back, step Lf to L side, step Rf next to Lf
S2 Cross Rock Recover, 1/4L Forward, Forward, 1/2R Back, Together
1-3cross rock Lf over Rf, rock back to Rf, turn 1/4 to L stepping Lf forward, 9H
4-6step Rf forward, turn 1/2 to R stepping Lf back, step Rf next to Lf, 3H
S3 Forward LR, Touch, Unwind 3/4 L
1-3Step Lf forward, step Rf forward, touch Lf toe behind Rf keeping weight on Rf
4-6unwind 3/4 to L over 3 counts keeping weight on Rf, 6H
Ends here on Wall 7 with steps change to 4-6, please refer to explanation below
S4 Forward, 1/2L Pivot, Forward, 1/2R Pivot
1-3Step Lf forward, step Rf forward turning 1/2 to L, step on Lf, 12H
4-6step Rf forward, step Lf forward turning 1/2 to R, step on Rf, 6H
S5 Forward, Kick, Back, Point, Hold
1-3step Lf forward, low kick Rf forward over 2 counts
4-6step Rf back, point Lf to L side, hold
S6 Back, Point, Hold, Forward, 1/2R
1-3Step Lf back, point Rf to R side, hold
4-6Step Rf forward, turn 1/2 to R on the spot pointing Lf slightly off the floor over 2 counts, 12H
S7 Waltz Twinkle LR
1-3step Lf forward by crossing over Rf, step Rf to R side, step Lf in place
4-6step Rf forward by crossing over Lf, step Lf to L side, step Rf in place
S8 Forward, 1/2R Pivot, Forward LR, Drag
1-3Step Lf forward, turn 1/2 to R stepping onto Rf, step Lf forward, 6H
4-6step Rf forward, hold over 2 counts
Ending: dance up to and finish 4-6 of S3 on Wall 7 with changes to 4-6 of S3 as below:
4-6turn 1/4 to L stepping Lf to L side, drag Rf towards Lf over 2 counts. Finish facing 12H
Repeat the sequence and happy dancing!
S1 Waltz Forward, Waltz Backward
1-3Step Lf forward, step Rf to R side, step Lf next to Rf
4-6step Rf back, step Lf to L side, step Rf next to Lf
S2 Cross Rock Recover, 1/4L Forward, Forward, 1/2R Back, Together
1-3cross rock Lf over Rf, rock back to Rf, turn 1/4 to L stepping Lf forward, 9H
4-6step Rf forward, turn 1/2 to R stepping Lf back, step Rf next to Lf, 3H
S3 Forward LR, Touch, Unwind 3/4 L
1-3Step Lf forward, step Rf forward, touch Lf toe behind Rf keeping weight on Rf
4-6unwind 3/4 to L over 3 counts keeping weight on Rf, 6H
Ends here on Wall 7 with steps change to 4-6, please refer to explanation below
S4 Forward, 1/2L Pivot, Forward, 1/2R Pivot
1-3Step Lf forward, step Rf forward turning 1/2 to L, step on Lf, 12H
4-6step Rf forward, step Lf forward turning 1/2 to R, step on Rf, 6H
S5 Forward, Kick, Back, Point, Hold
1-3step Lf forward, low kick Rf forward over 2 counts
4-6step Rf back, point Lf to L side, hold
S6 Back, Point, Hold, Forward, 1/2R
1-3Step Lf back, point Rf to R side, hold
4-6Step Rf forward, turn 1/2 to R on the spot pointing Lf slightly off the floor over 2 counts, 12H
S7 Waltz Twinkle LR
1-3step Lf forward by crossing over Rf, step Rf to R side, step Lf in place
4-6step Rf forward by crossing over Lf, step Lf to L side, step Rf in place
S8 Forward, 1/2R Pivot, Forward LR, Drag
1-3Step Lf forward, turn 1/2 to R stepping onto Rf, step Lf forward, 6H
4-6step Rf forward, hold over 2 counts
Ending: dance up to and finish 4-6 of S3 on Wall 7 with changes to 4-6 of S3 as below:
4-6turn 1/4 to L stepping Lf to L side, drag Rf towards Lf over 2 counts. Finish facing 12H
Repeat the sequence and happy dancing!