CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 5 Stimmen)
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Amy Willingham (USA) - August 2021
Wanted (Piano & Cello Version) - Danny Gokey
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#8 Count Intro - 1 TAG, 1 Restart on wall 7

(1-8) Walk, Run, Run, Full Spiral, Run, Run, ⅜ Diamond to Diagonal
1, 2&Step R fwd, run fwd L-R
3Spiral full turn R on your L
4&5Run fwd R-L, step R to R side
6&7Turn ⅛ L step back on L (10:30), turn ⅛ L step R to R side L (9:00), turn ⅛ L step fwd on L (7:30)
8&Run along diagonal R, L

(9-16) ¾ Spiral, Walk, Walk, Mambo, Sweeps back, Rock Recover
1Step R fwd, do a ¾ spiral turn over your L shoulder (10:30)
2, 3Walk into diagonal L, R
4&5Step L fwd, recover back on R, step back on L and sweep R from front to back
6, 7Step back on R and sweep L from front to back, step back on L and sweep R from front to back
8&Rock R back, recover weight to L squaring up (12:00)
** Restart here after 16& counts on wall 7 facing 12:00

(17-24) Night Club Basics x2, Serpentine w/ ¼ turn
1, 2&Step R to R side, rock L behind R, recover on R
3, 4&Step L to L side, rock R behind L, Recover on L
5, 6&Step R fwd and sweep L forward, cross L over R, step R to R side
7, 8&Step L behind R and sweep R from front to back, Cross R behind L, make a ¼ turn L and step L fwd (9:00)

(25-32) ¼ Turn, Cross Behind, ¼ Turn, Chase ½ turn (Prep), ¾ turn, Rocking Chair
1Make a ¼ turn L and step RF to R side (6:00)
2Cross L behind R
3Make ¼ turn R and step R fwd (9:00)
4&5Step L fwd, recover with back onto R, make ½ turn over R, step L fwd (3:00)
6&Make ½ turn L as you step back on your R, make ¼ turn as you step L to L side (6:00)
7&8&Rock R fwd, recover weight to L, rock R back, recover weight to L

(1-8) TAG after wall 3 (6:00) - Walk, Walk, Walk, Rock Recover, Back, Back, Back, Rock Recover
1, 2, 3Walk fwd R, L, R
4&Rock L fwd, recover weight to R
5, 6, 7Step back L, R, L
8&Rock R back, recover weight on L

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