CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Good Grief

( 1 Stimmen)
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Kailey Hansen (USA) - August 2021
Good Grief - Bastille
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[Intro] 16 count intro after the first sentence of lyrics
(One restart on wall 6 (facing 9:00) after 16 counts re-start wall 7 facing the same way).

[1-8] Step forward slow, slow, slow right pivot turn ending with weight on left
1-2Right foot step forward (1), hold (2) (slow continual movement)
3-4Left foot step forward (3), hold (4) (slow continual movement)
5-6Step forward on right (5) start making a 1/2 left pivot turn over left shoulder (6)
7-8Continue to finish the pivot turn over left shoulder (7) end with weight on left (8) [6:00]
*Optional hands: on the walls that say "watching through my fingers" on the "fingers" part (5-8) start with RIGHT hand and bring your hand from midline of face slowly out while doing spirit fingers (5-6 the left rock) and then same thing with LEFT hand (7-8 the turn)

[9-16] Side mambo step forward, slow rock recover turn over left shoulder step
1-2Side rock to right (1), recover left (2)
3-4Step forward on right foot (3), hold (4) (slow continual movement)
5-6Slow rock forward on left foot (hip sway optional) (5-6)
7-8Recover weight back on right foot (7), 1/2 turn over left shoulder recover weight on left foot (8) [12:00]
*Optional hands: on the walls that say "watching through my fingers" on the "fingers" part (5-8) start with RIGHT hand and bring your hand from midline of face slowly out while doing spirit fingers (5-6 the left rock) and then same thing with LEFT hand (7-8 the turn)
>> Restart here on wall 6 (facing 9:00) after 16 counts start again facing same way.

[17-24] Walk, walk, rock recover quarter, point, point, hitch full spin, recover weight right
1-2Walk right (1), walk left (2)
3&4Rock right forward (3), recover weight left (&), 1/4 turn over right shoulder ending with weight on right foot (4) [3:00]
5&6Point left to left side (5), Step it next to right (&), point right to right side with a little push on that foot to prep the hitch/spin (6)
7-8With weight on left, lift the right foot up to a hitch (optional full spin over right shoulder) (7), landing on both feet, but with weight on right foot (8) [3:00]

[25-32] Left side rock, ball right side rock, ball forward rock, 1/2 turn over left, left shuffle forward
1-2&Rock LF to L side (1), replace weight to RF (2), close LF to RF (&)
3-4&Rock RF to R side (3), replace weight to LF (4), close RF to LF (&)
5-6Rock LF forward (5), replace weight to RF (6)
7&8Step left foot back while making 1/2 turn over left shoulder(7), right next to left (&), step forward again on left completing shuffle step (8) [9:00]

[33-40] Point, quarter pivot, coaster 1/4 cross, C hip bump, 1/4 body roll back
1-2Point right foot to right side (1), 1/4 turn to the right keeping weight on left (2) [12:00]
3&4Step right foot back (3), left next to right (&), step right foot forward while making 1/4 turn to right so that right foot is crossed over midline (4) [3:00]
5&6Step left foot out to side while starting a hip bump (C-shape/left hip up) (5), shift weight to ride side right hip bump (&), back to left hip bump down lower completing the C-shape (6)
7-8Step back onto right foot making a right 1/4 turn, body roll down starting with head first (7), complete body roll with weight on right foot touching left (8) [6:00]

[41-48] Side rock/recover, ball step hitch step, Dorothy right, Dorothy left with a quarter turn right
1-2Rock left to side (1), recover weight on right (2)
&3-4&Step ball of L foot next to R (&), step R to side (3), hitch L (4), step down on L (&)
5-6&Right Dorothy step stepping right foot to right diagonal (5), replaced weight to left behind right (6), step right out again(&)
7-8&Turn a 1/4 to your right while doing a Left Dorothy step stepping left foot to left diagonal (7), replace weight to right foot behind left (8) step left out again (&) [9:00]

*Ending: you will start the last wall (wall 9 facing 3:00) dance up to count 32 which will finish facing 12:00 to end facing the front coming out of the left shuffle.

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