CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 26 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Brenda Shatto (USA), Monica Bhasin (IND) & I.C.E. (ES) - July 2021
Strip - Lena
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Note: A= 40 counts, B= 48 counts, 1 tag, 1 restart
Sequence: A B tag A B B*restart B (It's a lot simpler than it seems! We promise!)
Intro: 8 counts, 5 seconds

Part A
[1-8] R side, L close, R forward lock, L side, R close, L extended back lock
1,2Step R to right, close L to R
3&4R forward, L lock behind R, R forward
5,6Step L to left, close R to L
7&8&Step L back, cross R over L, step L back, cross R over L

[9-16] L back, R close, L lock step, R forward, ½ turn left, R cross, shoulder pops LRL
1,2Step L back, step R next to L
3&4Step L forward, R lock behind L, L forward
567R forward, turn ½ left weight to L, step R forward & slightly across while lifting R shoulder up (6:00)
&8&Pop shoulders: L up, R up, L up (opposite shoulder moves downward)

[17-24] L side, R cross, L scissor, R side, L cross, R scissor
1,2Step L to left, cross R over L
3&4Step L to left, close R to L, cross L over R (facing 7:30)
5,6Step R to right, cross L over R
7&8Step R to right, close L to R, cross R over L (facing 4:30)

[25-32] L ball step, R cross rocking chair, walk around RLR & run LRL to 12:00
&1,2Small step L, cross rock R, recover L
3,4Rock back R, recover L (still facing 4:30)
567Walk R forward, L forward ⅛ turn left, R forward ⅛ turn left (1:30)
&8&Run forward L, R, L with ⅛ turn left (12:00) Counts 5-8& curve to 12:00

[33-40] R cross, L back, R side, L cross, R side rock, L recover, R cross, L side, hold
1234Cross R over L, step L back, step R to side & slightly back, cross L over R
&5,6Rock ball of R to right, recover to L, cross R over L
7,8Step L to left, hold
Turning option: (5) turn ¼ left onto L (6) R forward turn ¾ left (7) L to left (12:00) (8) hold

Part B
[1-8] "C" hip bumps RLR, ¼ turn left & L triple forward, point R, close, point L, L sailor ¼ left
1&2Step R to right and bump hips up R, bump L, bump down R and pop L knee to left
Optional arm motion on the lyric "Strip": (&) bring R hand to L shoulder (1) bring R hand to R shoulder (2) bring R arm down to right hip. (We affectionately call this our "Just Kidding" part because Brenda sent a video to Monica and when the music started for B, she freestyled this move and said, "Just kidding!" Monica added the move to the dance. :-)
3&4Turn ¼ left step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward (9:00)
5&6Point R to right, close R to L, point L to left
7&8Cross L behind R turning ¼ left, step R to right, step L forward (6:00)

[9-16] R forward, L point, L cross, R back, L to left, heel twists RLR and LRL
1,2Step R forward, point L to left
3&4Cross L over right, step R back, step L to side
5&6Twist both heels right, left, right
7&8Twist both heels left, right, left (weight ends left)

[17-24] "C" hip bumps RLR, ¼ turn left & L triple forward, point R, close, point L, L sailor ¼ left
1&2Step R to right and bump hips up R, bump L, bump down R and pop L knee to left
Optional arm motion on the lyric "Strip": (&) bring R hand to L shoulder (1) bring R hand to R shoulder (2) bring R arm down to right hip.
3&4Turn ¼ left step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward (3:00)
5&6Point R to right, close R to L, point L to left
7&8Cross L behind R turning ¼ left, step R to right, step L forward (12:00)

[25-32] R forward, L point, L cross, R back, L to left, heel twists RLR and LRL
1,2Step R forward, point L to left
3&4Cross L over R, step R back, step L to side
5&6Twist both heels right, left, right
7&8Twist both heels left, right, left (weight ends left)

[33-40] R jazz boxes x2 making ⅔ turn right
1234Cross R over L, step L back start ⅓ turn right, step R to right, step L forward finish ⅓ turn right (4:00)
* RESTART here during 3rd B: complete first jazz box with no turn (stay facing 12:00) then restart with B
5678Cross R over L, step L back start ⅓ turn right, step R to right, step L forward finish ⅓ turn right (8:00)

[41-48] R jazz box ⅓ turn right, R sailor, L behind, R side, L cross
1234Cross R over L, step L back start ⅓ turn right, step R to right, step L forward and slightly left to finish ⅓ turn right (12:00)
5&6Cross R behind L, step L to left, step R to right
7&8Cross L behind R, step R to right, cross L over R

Tag at end of first B: Step touches R and L, heel switches RLR, hitch, heel touch
1234Step R to right, touch L next to R, step L to left, touch R next to L
5&6&Touch R heel forward, step R next to L, touch L heel forward, step L next to R
7&8Touch R heel forward, hitch R knee, touch R heel down

Ending: facing 12:00, (1) step R to right and pop L knee, take R hand from L shoulder down to right side (similar to optional arms listed in Part B counts 1&2).

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographers with your question: &

Joan Price August 4, 2021
Brenda taught this dance to our class, and we love it! So much fun! The choreography fits the music splendidly.

Nimjim August 4, 2021
Great dance! Funky and sweet at the same time.

Shelli August 5, 2021
It's a really cute and fun dance! Great job Brenda and Monica!

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