Start : 16 Count (On the word « Even »)
No Tag - No Restart
Final : Sweep RF FW
[1-8] Kick, Ball, Point, Body-Roll, Sailor-Step, Sailor-Step
1&2Kick RF FW, RF next to LF, Point LF to the L side
3-4Left Body-Roll* (finish Weight on LF) (Option 3&4 Mambo FW, Side : LF FW, Recover to RF, LF to the L side)
5&6RF behind LF, LF to the L side, RF to the R side
7&8RF behind LF, Make ¼ L with RF Back, LF FW
[9-16] Toe-Strut, Toe-Strut ½ L, Walk, Walk, Triple-Step
1-2R Toe FW, Down your R Heel
3-4Make ½ L with L toe FW, Down your L Heel
7&8RF FW, LF next to RF, RF FW
[17-24] Rock-Step, Coaster-Step, Jazz-Box ¼ R
1-2LF FW, Recover to RF
3&4LF Back, RF next to LF, LF FW
5-6Cross RF over LF, LF Back 7-8 Make ¼ R with RF to the R side, Cross LF over RF
[25-32] Rock-Step, Weave, Rock-Step, Weave
1-2RF to the R side, Recover to LF
3&4RF behind LF, LF to the L side, Cross RF over LF
5-6LF to the L side, Recover to RF
7&8LF behind RF, RF to the R side, Cross LF behind RF
Smile and enjoy the dance
Contact :
No Tag - No Restart
Final : Sweep RF FW
[1-8] Kick, Ball, Point, Body-Roll, Sailor-Step, Sailor-Step
1&2Kick RF FW, RF next to LF, Point LF to the L side
3-4Left Body-Roll* (finish Weight on LF) (Option 3&4 Mambo FW, Side : LF FW, Recover to RF, LF to the L side)
5&6RF behind LF, LF to the L side, RF to the R side
7&8RF behind LF, Make ¼ L with RF Back, LF FW
[9-16] Toe-Strut, Toe-Strut ½ L, Walk, Walk, Triple-Step
1-2R Toe FW, Down your R Heel
3-4Make ½ L with L toe FW, Down your L Heel
7&8RF FW, LF next to RF, RF FW
[17-24] Rock-Step, Coaster-Step, Jazz-Box ¼ R
1-2LF FW, Recover to RF
3&4LF Back, RF next to LF, LF FW
5-6Cross RF over LF, LF Back 7-8 Make ¼ R with RF to the R side, Cross LF over RF
[25-32] Rock-Step, Weave, Rock-Step, Weave
1-2RF to the R side, Recover to LF
3&4RF behind LF, LF to the L side, Cross RF over LF
5-6LF to the L side, Recover to RF
7&8LF behind RF, RF to the R side, Cross LF behind RF
Smile and enjoy the dance
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