CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Karen Raines (AUS) - July 2021
Already There - Joan Armatrading
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Start with weight on left foot - Dance starts immediately

S1 [1-8] Side, behind, ball cross, ball cross, side rock, recover, cross, ¼ back, ¼ cross
12&3&4Step right to the side, step left behind, ball cross, ball cross
5&67&8Rock right to the side, replace left, cross right over left, ¼ back on left 3oclock, ¼ on right, Cross left over right 6oclock

S2 [9-16] Diamond forward right 7oclock, 1/8 side, 1/8 back, back, 1/8, 1/8, forward, 1/8, 1/8, back, Back , 1/8, forward left
1&23&4Diamond forward on right 7oclock, 1/8 on left 9oclock, 1/8 back on right 11oclock Back on left, 1/8 on right 12oclock, 1/8 forward on left 1oclock
5&67&8Forward on right, step 1/8 on left 3oclock, back on right 5oclock, step back on left, 1/8 on Right 6oclock, step forward on left

S3 [&17-25] Ball step forward right left, replace right, ½ left, forward right, spiral, shuffle forward ,forward right, ½ pivot, forward right, ½ back on left, ¼ on right, cross left over right
&12&3Ball step forward right, left, replace right, ½ left 12oclock, forward right, full spiral
4&56&78&1shuffle forward left, right, left, forward right, ½ pivot 6oclock, forward on right. ½ back on Left 12oclock, ¼ on right 3oclock, cross left over right

S4 [26-32&] Side together forward, side together back, back, ½, forward, replace, ½ ,together.
2&34&5Step right to the side, step left next to right, step right forward, step left to the side, step Right next to left, step left back
6&7&8&Step back on right, step ½ on left 9oclock, step forward on right, replace left, step ½ on right, 3oclock, step left next to right

S5 [33-40&1] Forward right, step left to the side, step right next to left, step left back, ¼ on right 6oclock, replace left 3oclock sweeping right, cross right over left, replace left, ¼ right 6oclock, cross left over right, ¼ back on right, ½ on left 9oclock, walk forward right, Left, right
1&2&34Step forward on right, step left to the side, step right next to left, step left back, step ¼ on r right 6oclock, replace left 3oclock sweeping right
5&6&7&8&1Cross right over left, step back on left, ¼ on right 6oclock, cross left over right, ¼ back on Right 3oclock, ½ on left 9oclock, walk forward right left right

S6 [42-48] Forward left coaster, back, ¼ , cross & cross, ¼ back, ½ , ¼
2&34&Forward left coaster, step back on right, ¼ step on left 6oclock
5&67&8Cross right over left, step left to the side, cross right over left, ¼ back on left 9oclock, step ½ on right 3oclock, step ¼ on left 6oclock

At the end of the 2nd wall facing 12oclock repeat section 5&6 - 33-48. You will then be facing 3oclock, Restart dance, Dance to the end of section 4- 32 &.

#30 count tag.
1234Step forward right, tap left beside right, step forward left , tap right beside left
56&7&8&Step back right, sweep left, step left behind right, step right to the side, cross left over right, ¼ back on right, ½ on left, step right next to left. 9oclock.
1234Step forward on left, tap right next to left, step forward on right, tap left next to right
56&Step back left, sweep right, step right behind left step left to the side

Repeat. You will be facing 12oclock. Restart dance.

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