Count In : 8 counts with the heavy drum beat - start approx 20 seconds into the track
Cross Point, Cross Point. Jazz Box Step Fwd.
1-2Cross R over L, point L to left side
3-4Cross L over R, point R to right side
5-6Cross R over L, Step back L
7-8Step R to right side, Step Fwd. L
Rock Forward, Shuffle Back. Rock Back Walk Forward (or Full Turn)
1-2Rock forward right, recover weight onto left
3&4Step back R, close L at side of right, step back R
5-6Rock back L, recover weight onto R
7-8Step forward L then R - (or full turn fwd. Over 2 counts turning right)
Step ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock recover, Cross Shuffle
1-2Step forward L, make ¼ turn right onto R (3 o'clock)
3&4Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L over R
5 -6Rock R to right side recover onto L,
7&8Cross R over L, step L to left side, cross R over L
Side Behind & Kick & Cross.Side Behind Side Rock Recover.
1-2Step L to left side, cross R behind L
&3&4Step L to left side. Kick R to right diagonal, step R down in place, cross L over R
5-6Step R to right side, cross L behind R
7-8Rock R to right side, recover weight onto L
Final wall on the final step of the dance (R side rock recover) ¼ turn the recover (count 8) to
face 12 o'clock then point R to right side.
Thanks to Tony Rouse for bringing the track to my attention
Happy Dancing - have a Ball! Lol
Cross Point, Cross Point. Jazz Box Step Fwd.
1-2Cross R over L, point L to left side
3-4Cross L over R, point R to right side
5-6Cross R over L, Step back L
7-8Step R to right side, Step Fwd. L
Rock Forward, Shuffle Back. Rock Back Walk Forward (or Full Turn)
1-2Rock forward right, recover weight onto left
3&4Step back R, close L at side of right, step back R
5-6Rock back L, recover weight onto R
7-8Step forward L then R - (or full turn fwd. Over 2 counts turning right)
Step ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle, Side Rock recover, Cross Shuffle
1-2Step forward L, make ¼ turn right onto R (3 o'clock)
3&4Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L over R
5 -6Rock R to right side recover onto L,
7&8Cross R over L, step L to left side, cross R over L
Side Behind & Kick & Cross.Side Behind Side Rock Recover.
1-2Step L to left side, cross R behind L
&3&4Step L to left side. Kick R to right diagonal, step R down in place, cross L over R
5-6Step R to right side, cross L behind R
7-8Rock R to right side, recover weight onto L
Final wall on the final step of the dance (R side rock recover) ¼ turn the recover (count 8) to
face 12 o'clock then point R to right side.
Thanks to Tony Rouse for bringing the track to my attention
Happy Dancing - have a Ball! Lol