CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157775
French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Love Songs Ain't For Us

( 1 Stimmen)
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Bryan Hancock (AUS) - May 2021
Thanks Again Linda Burgess for all your guidance and support.

Intro: Starts weight on left, on the 4th word (caught in the MOMENT)

(1-8) Walk, Walk, fwd, ½ together, fwd , Lock shuffle, Lock shuffle
1-2Turn 1/8th R & step fwd L (1.30], turn ¼ R & step fwd R to (4.30)
3&4Step forward LF, turn ½ R & step R beside L, step fwd L - 10.30
5&6Step forward R, lock L behind R, step R forward (10.30)
7&8¼ turn left & step forward L, lock R behind L, step L forward (7.30)

(9-16) Fwd, pivot ½ turn, fwd, triple turn right, 1/8 sweep across, side, back, sweep behind, side.
1&2Step fwd R (to corner), pivot ½ turn left (weight to L), forward R (1.30)
3&4Turn ½ R & step back L, turn ½ R & step fwd R, step fwd L (Lock shuffle forward option)
5&6Turn 1/8th L & sweep R across L, step L to side, step back on R & sweep L to side
7-8Step L behind R, Step R to R side - 12.00
(17-24) Night club left, Night club right, step, pivot ½, step, triple turn fwd L
1&2Big step to left & drag R, rock/step R behind L, replace weight on L
3&4Big step to right & drag L, rock/step L behind R, replace weight on R
5&6Step fwd L, pivot ½ turn R, step forward L
7&8Turn ½ L & step back R, turn ½ L & step fwd L, step fwd R - 6.00
(lock shuffle forward option).

(25-32) Fwd Coaster, Back coaster, Cross samba, Cross shuffle.
1&2Step fwd L, step R beside L, step back L
3&4Step back R, step L beside R, step forward R
5&6Cross L over R, step R to side, replace weight back ( restart & tag wall 2 ) #
7&8Cross step R over L, step L to L, cross/step R over L - 9.00
(33-40) ¼ back, ¼ side, cross, sweep/cross shuffle, triple turn, cross, side, behind
1&2Turn 1/4 R & step back L, turn ¼ R & step R to side, cross L over R
3&4Sweep/step R fwd across L, step L to side, cross R over L
5&6Turn ¼ L & step fwd L, turn ½ L & step back R, turn ¼ L & step L to L (side shuffle option)
7&8Cross/step R over L, step L to L, cross/step R behind L - 12.00

(41-48) Side, ¼ together, fwd, Fwd shuffle, Fwd coaster, R coaster cross.
1&2Step L to side, turn ¼ R & step R next to L, step forward on L
3&4Step fwd R, step L next to R, step fwd on R (triple left turn option)
5&6Step fwd L, step R beside L, step back L
7&8Step back R, L back next to R, cross/step R over L - 3.00

Begin Again

Restart and Tag: Wall 2, after 32 counts facing 9.00. Restart facing 6.00
1,2,3,4Cross L over R, step back on R, turn ¼ L & step L to L, cross R over L.

Email: - PH: 0417 215 175

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