CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Beer 10

( 20 Stimmen)
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High Improver
Josiane Tara Vicini (FR), Nancy Langsberg (BEL), Rob Fowler (ES) & I.C.E. (ES) - June 2021
Beer:10 - Alan Jackson
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Intro: 16 counts (approx. 7 secs) (No Tags or Restarts)

S1: R Kick diag Fwd, Behind, Side, Cross, L Kick diag Fwd, Behind, Side, Cross
1-2-3-4R kick diagonal fwd, R cross behind L, step L to L side, R cross over L
5-6-7-8L kick diagonal fwd, L cross behind R, step R to R side, L cross over R
S2: Stomp R Fwd Toe In, Out, In, Centre, Stomp L Fwd Toe In, Out, In, Centre
1-2Stomp R fwd pointing R toe In, fan R toe out
3-4Fan R toe in, fan R toe to centre and transfer weight on to R
5-6Stomp L fwd pointing L toe in, fan L toe out
7-8Fan L toe in, fan L toe to centre and transfer weight on to L
S3: R Heel grind 1/4, R Rock back, R Step, L Brush, L step, R brush
1-2Rock fwd on R heel twisting R toe from L to R making ¼ turn R, recover on L (3:00)
3-4R rock back, recover on L
5-6-7-8Step R fwd, L brush, step L fwd, R brush
S4: R rocking chair, Dwights Travelling To R
1-2-3-4R rock fwd, recover on L, R rock back, recover on L
5-6Swivel L heel to R while touching R toe beside L (R knee bent towards L), swivel L toes to R while touching R heel beside L (point R toes to R)
7-8Swivel L heel to R while touching R toe beside L (R knee bent towards L), swivel L toes to centre while touching R heel beside L (point R toes to R)
S5: Modified Monterey ¼ R, R point R, R step back, L point L, hold
1-2Point R to R side, make ¼ turn R stepping R next to L (6:00)
3-4Point L to L side, L step back
5-6-7-8R point R to R side, R step back, L point L to L side, hold
S6: L cross over, R step R, L sailor step, R cross behind, ¼ L, R scuff
1-2L cross over R, R step to R side
3-4-5-6L cross behind R, R step to R side, L step to L diag fwd, R cross behind L
7-8¼ turn to L stepping L fwd, R scuff (3:00)
S7: K step with clap
1-2Step R diag fwd R, touch L next to R and clap
3-4Step L diag back L, touch R next to L and clap
5-6Step R diag back R, touch L next to R and clap
7-8Step L diag fwd L, step R next to L and clap
S8: Twists to R, hold, Twists to L, R stomp up
1-2-3-4Twist both heels to R, twist toes to R, twist both heels to R, hold
5-6-7-8Twist both heels to L, twist toes to L, twist both heels to L, R stomp up
Start over

Contact info: Josiane: Nancy:

Jules June 20, 2021
Super dance well done guys x

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