S1 : Side, Together, Side Chasse ( Right & Left)
1-2Step R to side - Step L Together
3&4Step R to side - Step L together - Step R to Side
5-6Step L to Side - Step R together
7&8Step L to Side - Step R Together - Step L to side
S2 : Cross point, Side point, Cross Samba (R.L)
1-2Point RF cross over LF, Point RF to R side
3a4Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover RF (slightly forward)
5-6Point LF cross over RF, Point LF to L side
7a8Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to R side, Recover LF (slightly forward)
S3 : Forward rock,turn 1/2 right,shuffle, forward rock, coaster step
1-2Step R Fwd recover
3&4Turn 1/2 R, Shuffle Forward R L R
5-6Step L Forward Recover
7&8L Back, step R beside L, Step L forward
S4 : Cross, Back, Chasse, Cross, Back, Drag
1-2Cross RF over LF, RF back
3&4RF to R side, LF next to RF (&), RF to R side
5-6Cross LF over RF, LF back
7-8Big step L to side - Drag R toward L
Change Step On Wall 5(Section 2)
To make it easier you can change "Hold" to Touch together.
Restart : On Wall 5 after 16 count.
There is change step on count 16 (Step R together) then Restart the dance.
1-2Step R to side - Step L Together
3&4Step R to side - Step L together - Step R to Side
5-6Step L to Side - Step R together
7&8Step L to Side - Step R Together - Step L to side
S2 : Cross point, Side point, Cross Samba (R.L)
1-2Point RF cross over LF, Point RF to R side
3a4Cross RF over LF, Rock LF to L side, Recover RF (slightly forward)
5-6Point LF cross over RF, Point LF to L side
7a8Cross LF over RF, Rock RF to R side, Recover LF (slightly forward)
S3 : Forward rock,turn 1/2 right,shuffle, forward rock, coaster step
1-2Step R Fwd recover
3&4Turn 1/2 R, Shuffle Forward R L R
5-6Step L Forward Recover
7&8L Back, step R beside L, Step L forward
S4 : Cross, Back, Chasse, Cross, Back, Drag
1-2Cross RF over LF, RF back
3&4RF to R side, LF next to RF (&), RF to R side
5-6Cross LF over RF, LF back
7-8Big step L to side - Drag R toward L
Change Step On Wall 5(Section 2)
To make it easier you can change "Hold" to Touch together.
Restart : On Wall 5 after 16 count.
There is change step on count 16 (Step R together) then Restart the dance.