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Montana Country Show (FR) - May 2021
Chain - Alan Jackson
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Intro : 24c
Always refer to the videos to learn the Montana Style, the script is created by Montana France to help traditional style dancers, but it does not replace the effectiveness of videos (body language/hats games)

(1-8) Heel Split, Recover, Kick R, Flick R, Mazy Gancho, Step Back R, Heel Frwd L
1-2Open heels, closed heels
3-4Kick R forward, Flick R back
5-6Hook R behind L leg and bend L knee (tilt your upper body back slightly), L leg straight (straight body)
7-8R back, L heel forward (arms crossed in front of the chest)

(9-16) Step Frwd L, ¼ turn to L & Hitch R with Slap, Side Step R, Hook L & Slap, Side Heel L, Point Frwd L, Side Heel L, Together L
1-2L forward, ¼ turn to L and raise R knee by striking R thigh with R hand 9H
3-4R to R, raise L back and touch L heel with R hand
5-6L heel to L, L point forward R (L knee bent and facing out)
7-8L heel to L, L next to R

(17-24) Point Back R, ¼ turn to R & Heel R, Together R, Point L, ¼ turn to L & Heel Frwd L, Step L, Point Back R, ¼ turn to R & Heel R
1-2R point back, ¼ turn to R and R heel forward 12H
3-4R next to L, L point next to R (L knee inward)
5-6¼ turn to L and L heel forward, put L 9H
7-8R point back, ¼ turn to R and R heel forward 12H

(25-32) Side Rock R, Cross R, Jump, Unwind ½ turn to L, Jump
1-2R to R, return on L
3-4Cross R forward L, jump in place
5-6-7Bend and unfold the knees by making ½ turn to L on the 3 counts 6H
(move R hand from bottom to top)
8Jump feet together

Musical break :
In the « Montana style », tags and restarts do not exist, the most important thing is to follow the rhythm
of the music. That said, at the end of the music « Chain » of Alan Jackson, there is a musical break,
so you have 2 solutions :
- Stop dancing (at 12h, end of 10th walls), and you resume when the music restart,
- Dance the first 8 counts (slowly), stay in the position « arms crossed », and when Alan says « Chain »,
return on L and R next to L (Tutorial on youtube), restart the choreography.

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