CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Rose-Colored Reckless

( 4 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Amanda Fox (USA) - April 2021
Redhead (feat. Reba McEntire) - Caylee Hammack
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A (starting 12:00),
B (starting 3:00),
C (starting 12:00),
A* (starting 3:00),
C (starting 6:00),
A** (starting 9:00),
C (starting 12:00),
A** (starting 3:00, ending 6:00)
Note: * indicate tags, described below
Sequence: A,B,C,A*,C,A**,C,A.

Phrase A: 39 counts (slowest)
[1-8] K-Step
1,2Step R forward diagonal, Stomp L
3,4Step L back diagonal, Stomp R
5,6Step R back diagonal, Stomp L
7,8Step L forward diagonal, Scuff R, ¼ turn over left L shoulder (3:00)

[9-16] Lock Step, Grapevine
1,2Step R forward, Step L behind
3,4Step R forward, Stomp L
5,6Step L to side, Step R behind
7,8Step L to side, Scuff R, ¼ turn over L shoulder (6:00)

[17-24] Step, Lock, Step, Step together, Cross, Hold, Heel Jack, Hold
1,2Step R forward, Step L behind
3,4Step R forward, Step L
5,6Cross R, Hold
&7,8Step L, Heel R, Hold

[25-32] Step, Cross, Hold, Step Heel Jack, Hold, Step, Cross, Hold, Lock, Step, Hold
&1,2Step R together, Cross L over R, Hold
&3,4Step R, Heel L, Hold
&5,6Step L, Cross R over L, Hold
&7,8Lock L, Step R, Hold

[33-39] ½ Turn Cross, Hold, Lock, Step, Hold, Partial Jazz Box
1,2½ turn over L shoulder (1:30) cross L over R, Hold
&3,4Lock R, Step L, Hold
5,6Cross R over L, Step L behind
7Step R to side (Ending 3:00)

A* - During counts 33-39;
1-6remain the same
7,8is two stomps R next to L
Start C

A** - On count 32, instead of a hold, stomp L together making ¼ turn to face 12:00. Omit 33-39
and immediately start C.
When A** repeats the second time, hold count 32, stomp L on count 33 (instead of count 32,
like the first time). This is the end of the dance.

Phrase B: 41 counts (only happens once)
[40, 41-47] High Step Shuffles (x2), Rock Step, Coaster Step
8&1High step L forward, Step R together, High step L forward
2&3High step R forward, Step L together, High step R forward
4,5Rock step L, Rock back onto R
6&7Step L back, Step R together, Step L forward

[48, 49-56] Rock Step, Backwards Shuffles (x2), Step, Step
8,1Rock Step R, Rock back onto L
2&3Step R back, Step L together, Step R back
4&5Step L back, Step R together, Step L back
6,7Step R to side, Step L together

[57, 58-65] Slide with a ¼ turn, Sailor Steps (x2), Step, Step, Kick
8,1Slide R, ¼ turn over L shoulder (End facing 12:00)
2&3Step L behind R, Step R together, Step L to side
4&5Step R behind L, Step L together, Step R to side
6,7Step L behind R, ¼ turn over L shoulder, Step R together
8Kick L forward

[66-73] Step, Forward Shuffles (x2), Step, Stomps (x2),
1Step L forward
2&3Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward
4&5Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward
6Step R forward
7,8Stomp L to side, Stomp R to side

[74-81] Hip Bumps (x4), Sailor Step, ¾ Turning Shuffle
1,2Hip bump L, Hip bump L
3,4Hip bump R, Hip bump L
5&6Step R behind L, Step L together, Step R to side
7&8Step L to side making ½ turn L, Step R together, Step L forward making ¼ turn L

Phrase C: 40 counts (most energetic)
[1-8] Kick forward, Kick back, Kick forward, Kick Back, Kick Forward, Step Back, Coaster Step
1&2Kick R forward, Step R together, Kick L back
3&4Kick L forward, Step L together, Kick R back
5,6Kick R forward, Step R back
7&8Step L back, Step R together, Step L forward

[9-16] Forward Shuffles (x2), ¾ Two-Step Turn, Side Shuffle
1&2Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward
3&4Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward
5,6Step R, ¼ turn over L shoulder, Step L, ½ turn over L shoulder (Ending facing 3:00)
7&8Step R to side, Step L together, Step R to side

[17-24] Forward Shuffle, Knee Hike, ¼ Turn, Sailor Steps (x2)
1&2Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward
3,4Hike R knee, ¼ turn over left shoulder, Step R to side (Ending facing 12:00)
5&6Step L behind, Step R together, Step L to side
7&8Step R behind, Step L together, Step R to side

[25-32] ¼ Turn, Step, Kick, Knee Hike, ¼ Turn Coaster Step
1,2Step L back, ¼ turn over L shoulder, Step R together
3,4Kick L forward, Step L
5,6Hike R knee, ¼ turn over L shoulder, Step R to side
7&8Step L back, ¼ turn over L shoulder, Step R together, Step L forward

[33-40] R Heel Digs (x2), L Heel Digs (x2), Hip Bumps to L (x 4)
1&2&Heel dig R, Lift R, Heel dig R, Step R together
3&4&Heel dig L, Lift L, Heel dig L, Step L to side
5,6Hip bump L, Hip bump L
7,8Hip bump L, Hip bump L

Contact Me: Amanda Fox

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