CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 3 Stimmen)
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OliSien (BEL) - May 2021
Rocket - Mud
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Intro & tag (44 counts)

S1 Out, out, hold, rock step back L, out, out, hold, rock step back R
&1-4RF out(&), LF out(1) hold(2), LF backward, recover on RF
&5-8LF out(&), RF out(5), hold(6), RF backward, recover on LF

S2 Rocking chair, pivot x2
1-2-3-4RF forward, recover on LF, RF backward, recover on LF
5-6-7-8Step RF forward, ½ turn L, step RF forward, ½ turn L

S3 Out, out, hold, rock step back L, out, out, hold, rock step back R
&1-4RF out(&), LF out(1) hold(2), LF backward, recover on RF
&5-8LF out(&), RF out(5), hold(6), RF backward, recover on LF

S4 Rocking chair, pivot x2
1-2-3-4RF forward, recover on LF, RF backward, recover on LF
5-6-7-8Step RF forward, ½ turn L, step RF forward, ½ turn L

S5 V Step, out out, hold
1-4Step R heel out, step L heel out, step RF in, step LF in
5-8Step RF out, step LF out, hold (x2)

S6 Hips
1-4Hip R, L, R, L

Main dance
S1 Step, cross, step, cross, step, cross, step, touch (moving to the right)
1-2-3-4Step RF to R side, cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side, cross LF behind RF
5-6-7-8Step RF to R side, cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side, touch LF next to RF

S2 Pivot, step, hold, pivot, step, hold (x2)
1-2-3-4Step LF forward, ½ turn R, step LF forward, hold with clap
5-6-7-8Step RF forward, ½ turn L, step RF forward, hold with clap

S3 Step, cross, step, cross, step, cross, step, touch (moving to the left)
1-2-3-4Step LF to L side, cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, cross RF behind LF
5-6-7-8Step LF to L side, cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, touch RF next to LF

S4 Pivot, step, hold, pivot, step, hold
1-2-3-4Step RF forward, ½ turn L, step RF forward, hold with clap
5-6-7-8Step LF forward, ½ turn R, step LF forward, hold with clap

S5 Toe strut x4
1-2-3-4R toe strut backwards, R heel down, LF toe strut backwards L heel down
5-6-7-8R toe strut backwards, R heel down, LF toe strut backwards L heel down

S6 Vine to R, flick, vine to L, flick
1-2-3-4Step RF to R side, cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side, flick LF
5-6-7-8Step LF to L side, cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, flick RF

S7 Full Heel turns x 4
1-2-3-4¼ R heel turn, recover on LF, ¼ R heel turn, recover on LF
5-6-7-8¼ R heel turn, recover on LF, ¼ R heel turn, recover on LF

S8 Hip swivels
1-8Step RF forward, ½ turn L making hip swivels, ending with weight on LF (6.00)

Tag : after 3th wall (6.00)
At the end of the dance the music slows down, dance following steps :
1-4Hips R, L, R, L

Pivot, shuffle or lockstep, pivot, shuffle or lockstep
1-2Step RF forward, ½ turn L
3&4step RF forward, cross LF behind RF, step RF forward
5-6Step LF forward, ½ turn R
7&8Step LF forward, cross RF behind LF, step LF forward

Pivot, prissy walks, step out out
1-2Step RF forward, ½ turn L
3-4-5-6Step RF in front of LF, step LF in front of RF, step RF in front of LF, step LF in front of RF
&7RF out, LF out

Enjoy the dance!
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