Tag1 : facing 6:00 after 2W, facing 3:00 after 7W, facing 6:00 after 10W
Tag2 : facing 3:00 after 3W, facing 12:00 after 8W, After 10W, following tag1 in the 6:00 direction
Ending : Dance as normal until music ends and turn to face 3:00.
Intro : 32 Count
Section 1: R/L Side step touch, R Side step, Sway
1-2R Side step, L touch
3-4L Side step, R touch
5&6&R Side step, Sway to the beat
7&8Sway to the beat
Section 2: L/R Side step touch, L Side step, Sway
1-2L Side step, R touch
3-4R Side step, L touch
5&6&L Side step, Sway to the beat
7&8Sway to the beat
Section 3: R/L Fwd Shuffle, Pivot 1/2 Turn left, R Fwd Shuffle
1&2Fwd stepping RF to RF
3&4Fwd stepping LF to LF
5-6Step Right forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn left
7&8Fwd stepping RF to RF
Section 4: L/R Side Point Switches (2×), 1/4 Turn Jazz box right
1&2&Point L to L side, step L next to R, point R to R side, step R next to L
3&4Point L to L side, step L next to R, point R to R side
5-6Cross R over L, 1/4 Turn right step L back
7-8R Side step, L Step
Tag1 : facing 6:00 after 2W, facing 3:00 after 7W, facing 6:00 after 10W
Section 1 R/L Side step, Drag
1-4R Side step right(1), L Drag rigt (2, 3, 4)
5-8L Side step left(5), L Drag left (6, 7, 8)
Section 2 R/L Side Grapevine Step
1-2R Side step right, L Behind
3-4R Side step right, Put it next to your right foot and touch it with your left foot
5-6L Side step right, R Behind,
7-8L Side step right, Put it next to your left foot and touch it with your right foot
Section 3 R/L Fwd Step, 1/2 Pivot turn, 1/2 Pivot turn
1-2R Fwd step
3-4L Fwd step
5-6R fwd step, 1/2 Pivot turn left
7-8R fwd step, 1/2 Pivot turn left
Section 4 L/R Behind Sweep (2×), L / R / L / R Fwd Walk
1-2R Back Step, L Sweep Back,
3-4L Step, R Sweep Back
5-8L / R / L / R Fwd Walk
Tag2 : facing 3:00 after 3W, facing 12:00 after 8W, After 10W, following tag1 in the 6:00 direction
1-4shoulder width jump, Hold
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Tag2 : facing 3:00 after 3W, facing 12:00 after 8W, After 10W, following tag1 in the 6:00 direction
Ending : Dance as normal until music ends and turn to face 3:00.
Intro : 32 Count
Section 1: R/L Side step touch, R Side step, Sway
1-2R Side step, L touch
3-4L Side step, R touch
5&6&R Side step, Sway to the beat
7&8Sway to the beat
Section 2: L/R Side step touch, L Side step, Sway
1-2L Side step, R touch
3-4R Side step, L touch
5&6&L Side step, Sway to the beat
7&8Sway to the beat
Section 3: R/L Fwd Shuffle, Pivot 1/2 Turn left, R Fwd Shuffle
1&2Fwd stepping RF to RF
3&4Fwd stepping LF to LF
5-6Step Right forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn left
7&8Fwd stepping RF to RF
Section 4: L/R Side Point Switches (2×), 1/4 Turn Jazz box right
1&2&Point L to L side, step L next to R, point R to R side, step R next to L
3&4Point L to L side, step L next to R, point R to R side
5-6Cross R over L, 1/4 Turn right step L back
7-8R Side step, L Step
Tag1 : facing 6:00 after 2W, facing 3:00 after 7W, facing 6:00 after 10W
Section 1 R/L Side step, Drag
1-4R Side step right(1), L Drag rigt (2, 3, 4)
5-8L Side step left(5), L Drag left (6, 7, 8)
Section 2 R/L Side Grapevine Step
1-2R Side step right, L Behind
3-4R Side step right, Put it next to your right foot and touch it with your left foot
5-6L Side step right, R Behind,
7-8L Side step right, Put it next to your left foot and touch it with your right foot
Section 3 R/L Fwd Step, 1/2 Pivot turn, 1/2 Pivot turn
1-2R Fwd step
3-4L Fwd step
5-6R fwd step, 1/2 Pivot turn left
7-8R fwd step, 1/2 Pivot turn left
Section 4 L/R Behind Sweep (2×), L / R / L / R Fwd Walk
1-2R Back Step, L Sweep Back,
3-4L Step, R Sweep Back
5-8L / R / L / R Fwd Walk
Tag2 : facing 3:00 after 3W, facing 12:00 after 8W, After 10W, following tag1 in the 6:00 direction
1-4shoulder width jump, Hold
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