CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Solo (솔로)

( 5 Stimmen)
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Kim Duck Hwa (KOR) - 25 February 2019
Solo (feat. Demi Lovato) - Clean Bandit
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Intro : 16Count

A Part 16 count
[1 - 8] R/L Diagonal Step. Lock. Chasse
1-2R Diagonal Step, L lock,
3&4R fwd Step R to R
5-6L Diagonal Step, R lock,
7&8L fwd Step L to L

[9 - 16] R/L Back out. out. 1/4 turn R/L heel swivel left . V-step
1-2R Diagonal Back Step, L Diagonal Back Step,
3-41/4 turn R heel swivel left, L heel swivel left,
5-6R Diagonal step. L Diagonal step.
7-8R back step. L back together step.

B Part 16 count
[1 - 8] R/L Side touch. Together touch. Side step. Side Drag.
1-2R Side touch, R Together touch
3-4R Side step, L Drag step
5-6L Side touch, L Together touch
7-8L Side step, R Drag step

[9 - 16] Heel switches. R 1/2 Pivot turn left (2×)
1&2&R fwd heel touch, R step, L fwd heel touch, L step
3-4R fwd step, 1/2 Pivot turn left
5&6&R fwd heel touch, R step, L fwd heel touch, L step
7-8R fwd step, 1/2 Pivot turn left

B' Part [1-8] same
[9 - 16] Heel switch. R 1/4 Pivot turn left (2×)
1&2&R fwd heel touch, R step, L fwd heel touch, L step
3-4R fwd step, 1/4 Pivot turn left
5&6&R fwd heel touch, R step, L fwd heel touch, L step
7-8R fwd step, 1/4 Pivot turn left

C Part 16 count
[1 - 8] R Tap × 2. Sway. L tap × 2. Sway
1&2R tap × 2, R step
3-4L sway, R sway
5&6L tap × 2, R step
7-8R sway, L sway

[9 - 16] Stomp × 3 with 1/2 turn left. Sway. RL Cross. Back step together.
1&2Shoulder width apart Stomp down × 3 with 1/2 turn left
3-4R Sway, L Sway
5-6R Cross step, L Cross step
7-8R back step, L back together step

Ending : after A 1-8, facing 9:00, R out. L out. R back step. add pose free
Option : A Part. [9 - 16] 3-4 1/4 turn R/L heel swivel Left - body rolling.

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Last Update - 21 May 2021-R2

시크_현 June 3, 2021
솔로... 음악도 좋고 안무도 멋지고~
덕화쌤 대단해요~ 최고~!!
Solo... great music, great choreography.
Duckhwa, you're amazing. You're the best!!

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