CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Salt, Lime, and Tequila

( 13 Stimmen)
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Felicia Harris Jones (USA) - March 2021
Salt, Lime & Tequila - Ryan Griffin
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Dance starts on lyrics. No tags. No restarts.

Sec 1: Skate Fwd, Skate Fwd, Triple Fwd, Pivot ½, Triple Fwd
1 2Skate left forward, Skate right forward
3&4Step left forward, Step right next to left, Step left forward
5 6Step right forward, Pivot ½ turn to left (weight on left; facing 6:00)
7&8*Step right forward, Step let next to right, Step Right forward

Sec 2: Triple Fwd, Kick Ball Point, Sway, Hitch
1 2*Step left forward, Step right next to left, Step right forward
3&4Kick right forward, Step right next to left, Point left to left side
5 6 7Sway hips left, right, left (weight to left)
8Hitch right knee up while angling body slightly to right

Sec 3: Back Rock Recover, Triple ½ Turn, Back Rock Recover, Cross Rock Recover
1 2Rock right behind left, Recover forward to left
3&4Step right next to left making ¼ turn left, Step next left to right, Step right back making ¼ turn left (facing 12:00)
5 6Rock left back, Recover on right
7 8Rock left across in front of right, Recover on right

Sec 4: Side Together, Triple ¼ turn, Side Mambo, Side Mambo Touch
1 2Step left to left side, Step right next to left
3&4Step left to side making 1/8 turn left, Step right next to left, Step left making 1/8 turn left (facing 9:00)
5&6Step right to side, Recover to left, Step right next to left
7&8Step left to side, Recover to right, Touch left next to right

*Styling tips: In counts 7&8 of the first section and 1&2 of the second section, you can make the triples forward into two tripling ½ turns.
Please use in original format. If you choose to post on your website, please do not alter in any way and include all choreographer contact information.

*Choreographer's Note: The choreography for this dance began in early March 2021 (released in late April). It was choregraphed for Dirty by Tyler Farr and would've been called She Likes It Dirty. I fought with the dance for weeks because something didn't feel right. Just as I got the steps the way I liked them, as fate would have it, I saw a video go viral on TikTok with the title track Salt, Lime, and Tequila by the artist Ryan Griffin. The steps do work for Dirty. So if you'd like alternate music give it a try as well. A HUGE shout out to my Boundless Boots class for putting up with my endless changes and floor testing of this one as well as your applause and cheers when it was put to the right music.

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