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Happy Anywhere (I could be happy anywhere with you)

( 6 Stimmen)
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Mandy Eades (UK) - April 2021
Happy Anywhere (feat. Gwen Stefani) - Blake Shelton
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Intro: 32 Quick Counts or 16 Slow (12 Seconds into the track)
Section One: Point Touch Point, Behind Side Cross X2
1 & 2Point right toe to right side, Touch right toe beside left foot, Point right toe to right side
3 & 4Cross right behind left, Step left to left side, Cross right over left
5 &6Point left toe to left side, Touch left toe beside right foot, Point left toe to left side
7 & 8Cross left behind right, Step right to right side, Cross left over right

Section Two: Forward Rumba Box, Back Lock Step, Bump LRL
1 & 2Step right to right side, Close left beside right, Step Forward on right
3 & 4Step left to left side, Close right beside left, Step back on left
5 &6Step back on right, Lock left over right, Step back on right
7 & 8Step back on left bumping hips back, Bump hips forward, Bump hips back (weight finishes on left)

Section Three: Toe-Heel-Stomp X2, Side Rock Cross, Rock ¼ Turn
1 & 2Touch right toe towards left instep, Touch right heel towards left instep, stomp right forward
3 & 4Touch left toe towards right instep, Touch left heel towards right instep, stomp left forward
5 &6Rock right to right side, recover weight on left, cross right over left
7 & 8Rock left to left side, make ¼ turn right recovering weight on RIGHT, step forward onto LEFT

***RESTART*** Wall 3 Dance to Count 4 of Section 3 ... then Start the dance again from the Beginning (Facing 6 o'clock)

***STEP CHANGE*** Wall 7 Dance to Count 4 of Section 2... then walk back right, walk back left then Start the dance again from the Beginning (Facing 3 o'clock)

***ENDING*** Wall 10 Dance Count 1 & 2 of Section One changing steps 3 & 4 for a Right Sailor ¼ turn (Facing 12 o'clock) Pose and Smile

Teaching - Wall 3 - Restart, Wall 7 - A Step Change and Wall 10 - Dance Ending

Have fun and enjoy

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani's HAPPY ANYWHERE is an upbeat country track. The lyrics relate to their personal relationship and describe being able to find happiness anywhere.

Last Update - 5 April 2021

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