CopperKnob Stepsheets

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( 3 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Lindsay Stamp (USA) & Dannika Cody (USA) - March 2021
One of Them Girls - Lee Brice
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Sequence: A A A, B, A A, B, A A, B, A
#32 Count Intro

Part A: 16 Counts
1, 2Cross right over left, turn half counter clockwise
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8Bump hips Right, left, right, right, left, right

&1, 2Step right to right and cross right over left, Step right out to right making a ¼ clockwise turn and dragging left heel backwards
3 & 4(Coaster step) Step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
5, 6Walk forward left rocking body slightly to the right, Walk forward right rocking body slightly to the left
7 & 8(Triple step full turn clockwise) Make a full turn clockwise stepping left, right, left

Part B: 48 Counts
1, 2Step right to right, step left behind right
&3, &4Step right to right and point left toe out to left, Step weight to left foot and step right over left
5, 6Step left to left and pointing right toe "in" towards left foot drag toe making a ¾ turn clockwise, step weight on Right foot
7 & 8Shuffle forward left, right, left

1, 2Rock forward right foot, recover left
3, 4Step ¼ clockwise right foot, Step half clockwise left foot pointing left toe to left
5 & 6(Sailor step L, R, L) Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
7 & 8(Sailor step R, L, R) Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right

1, &2Rock forward left foot, recover right, make ½ turn counter clockwise stepping left foot forward
3, &4Step right forward, pivoting ½ counter clockwise and stepping to new wall on left foot, step right forward
5, 6(Full turn clockwise R, L) Step forward Right turning ½, Step backwards left turning ½
&7, 8Step left forward, use weight on right heel to turn ¼ right, step left to left

1, &2Step right behind left, step left to left, step right over left
3, 4Step left to left pivoting ¼ clockwise, step right forward
5 & 6Shuffle forward left, right, left
7 & 8Step Right forward pivoting ½ counter clockwise, step left, step slightly forward right

**For 33-48, repeat counts 1-16 of part B starting on the opposite foot**
1, 2Step left to left, step right behind left
&3, &4Step left to left and point right toe out to right, Step weight to right foot and step left over right
5, 6Step right to right and pointing left toe "in" towards right foot drag toe making a ¾ turn counter clockwise, step weight on left foot
7 & 8Shuffle forward right, left, right

1, 2Rock forward left foot, recover right
3, 4Step ¼ counter clockwise left foot, Step half counter clockwise right foot pointing right toe to right
5 & 6(Sailor step R, L, R) Step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right
7 & 8(Sailor step L, R, L) Step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left

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